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IIsCertMapper.SetPwd (ADSI)

The SetPwd method of the IIsCertMapper (ADSI) object sets a new value for the Windows password string in an existing certificate mapping. Four seek methods are available to search for the mapping: by certificate, by name, by Windows account, and by numeric string index.


IIsCertMapper.SetPwdIMethod, vKey, NTPwd

  • IMethod
    Specifies the seek method to use for searching the mappings. Valid seek methods are 1, 2, 3, or 4. Seek method 1 specifies search by certificate, seek method 2 searches by name, method 3 searches by Windows account, and method 4 searches by a 1-based numeric string index (for example, "1," "2," and so on).
  • vKey
    Specifies the key to use in the search specified by IMethod. For seek method 1, vKey specifies a certificate. For seek method 2, vKey specifies a name. For seek method 3, vKey specifies a Windows account. For seek method 4, vKey specifies a numeric string index (for example, "1," "2," and so on).
  • strPwd
    Specifies a new value for the Windows password string.
Code Example
  Dim CertObj 
  Set CertObj = GetObject("IIS://..path../IIsCertMapper") 
  'Search by Windows account. 
  CertObj.SetPwd 3, "MYACCT", "NewPassword" 