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IIS WMI Provider Reference

Any script or code that attempts to manage IIS using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) needs to access the IIS WMI provider objects. For example, if you want to change a Web site property in the metabase, you must instantiate the class called IIsWebServerSetting which is a child of the CIM_Setting class. When writing scripts and code that use the IIS WMI provider, it saves time to have this documentation open on your screen.

This topic contains a reference page for each of the classes of the IIS WMI provider namespace which is called MicrosoftIISv2. Each page includes reference material for any existing properties and methods of those classes.

Each of the top-level classes in the IIS WMI provider are listed in the table below. The classes that begin with "__" are inherited from the root namespace and are therefore not documented in the IIS WMI provider reference.

IIS WMI Provider Class Description
__SecurityRelatedClass Inherited from the root namespace. An abstract class that contains the __NTLMUser9X concrete class holding NTLM-related properties.
__PARAMETERS Inherited from the root namespace. An abstract class containing no concrete classes.
__SystemSecurity Inherited from the root namespace. A concrete class that contains inherited properties and methods to get security descriptors and access rights associated with an object.
__NotifyStatus Inherited from the root namespace. An abstract class that contains the __ExtendedStatus abstract class. A user would have to derive another class that inherits from one of these abstract classes to access the properties.
__SystemClass Inherited from the root namespace. An abstract class that contains other abstract classes, and two concrete classes called __thisNAMESPACE and __NAMESPACE. __thisNAMESPACE contains a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR property.
CIM_ManagedSystemElement (WMI) An abstract class that contains the CIM_LogicalElement class containing elements that correspond to nodes of the IIS Metabase Schema. Each element contains read-only properties that relate to IIS metabase properties, and methods that work on the writable properties in the CIM_Setting class.
CIM_Setting (WMI) An abstract class that contains the IIsSetting class containing elements that correspond to nodes of the IIS Metabase Schema. Each element contains writable properties that relate to IIS metabase properties.
IIsStructuredDataClass (WMI) This is a unique class that contains elements whose data is represented in a complicated format in ADSI.
CIM_Component (WMI) This is an association class that maps each element in the CIM_ManagedSystemElement class to another element in the CIM_ManagedSystemElement class so the elements can mimic ADSI containment.
CIM_ElementSetting (WMI) This is an association class that maps each element in the CIM_ManagedSystemElement class to its matching element in the CIM_Setting class.

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