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Active Server Pages Events

This topic describes the events generated from ASP.

note Note When messages appear in the event log or Web browser, the symbols that appear in the documentation below (such as %s, %X, %0, %1, and so on) are replaced with details about the error at the time that the error actually occurs.

Event ID Description
100 Out of memory - Unable to allocate required memory.
101 Unexpected error - The function returned %0.
102 Expecting string input - The function expects a string as input.
103 Expecting numeric input - The function expects a number as input.
104 Operation not allowed.
105 Index out of range - An array index is out of range.
106 Type Mismatch - An unhandled data type was encountered.
107 Stack Overflow - The data being processed is over the allowed limit.
108 Create object failed. An error occurred while creating object '%s'.
109 Member not found.
110 Unknown name.
111 Unknown interface.
112 Missing parameter.
113 Script timed out - The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeOut or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.
114 Object not free threaded - The application object accepts only free threaded objects; object '%s' is not free threaded.
115 Unexpected error - A trappable error (%X) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.
116 Missing close of script delimiter - The Script block lacks the close of script tag (%>).
117 Missing close of script tag - The Script block lacks the close of script tag (</SCRIPT>) or close of tag symbol (>).
118 Missing close of object tag - The Object block lacks the close of object tag (</OBJECT>) or close of tag symbol (>).
119 Missing Classid or Progid attribute - The object instance '%0' requires a valid Classid or Progid in the object tag.
120 Invalid Runat attribute - The Runat attribute of the Script tag or Object tag can only have the value 'Server'.
121 Invalid Scope in object tag - The object instance '%0' cannot have Application or Session scope. To create the object instance with Session or Application scope, place the Object tag in the Global.asa file.
122 Invalid Scope in object tag - The object instance '%0' must have Application or Session scope. This applies to all objects created in a Global.asa file.
123 Missing Id attribute - The required Id attribute of the Object tag is missing.
124 Missing Language attribute - The required Language attribute of the Script tag is missing.
125 Missing close of attribute - The value of the '%0' attribute has no closing delimiter.
126 Include file not found - The include file '%0' was not found.
127 Missing close of HTML comment - The HTML comment or server-side include lacks the close tag (-->).
128 Missing File or Virtual attribute - The Include file name must be specified using either the File or Virtual attribute.
129 Unknown scripting language - The scripting language '%0' is not found on the server.
130 Invalid File attribute - File attribute '%0' cannot start with forward slash or back slash.
131 Disallowed Parent Path - The Include file '%0' cannot contain '..' to indicate the parent directory.
132 Compilation Error - The Active Server Page '%0' could not be processed.
133 Invalid ClassID attribute - The object tag has an invalid ClassID of '%0'.
134 Invalid ProgID attribute - The object has an invalid ProgID of '%0'.
135 Cyclic Include - The file '%0' is included by itself (perhaps indirectly). Please check include files for other Include statements.
136 Invalid object instance name - The object instance '%0' is attempting to use a reserved name. This name is used by Active Server Pages intrinsic objects.
137 Invalid Global Script - Script blocks must be one of the allowed Global.asa procedures. Script directives within <% ... %> are not allowed within the Global.asa file. The allowed procedure names are Application_OnStart, Application_OnEnd, Session_OnStart, or Session_OnEnd.
138 Nested Script Block - A script block cannot be placed inside another script block.
139 Nested Object - An object tag cannot be placed inside another object tag.
140 Page Command Out Of Order - The @ command must be the first command within the Active Server Page.
141 Page Command Repeated - The @ command can only be used once within the Active Server Page.
142 Thread token error - A thread token failed to open.
143 Invalid Application Name - A valid application name was not found.
144 Initialization Error - The page-level objects list failed during initialization.
145 New Application Failed - The new Application could not be added.
146 New Session Failed - The new Session could not be added.
147 500 Server Error.
148 Server Too Busy.
149 Application Restarting - The request cannot be processed while the application is being restarted.
150 Application Directory Error - The Application directory could not be opened.
151 Change Notification Error - The change notification event could not be created.
152 Security Error - An error occurred while processing a user's security credentials.
153 Thread Error - A new thread request failed.
154 Write HTTP Header Error - The HTTP headers could not be written to the client browser.
155 Write Page Content Error - The page content could not be written to the client browser.
156 Header Error - The HTTP headers are already written to the client browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.
157 Buffering On - Buffering cannot be turned off once it is already turned on.
158 Missing URL - A URL is required.
159 Buffering Off - Buffering must be on.
160 Logging Failure - Failure to write entry to log.
161 Data Type Error - The conversion of a Variant to a String variable failed.
162 Cannot Modify Cookie - The cookie 'ASPSessionID' cannot be modified. It is a reserved cookie name.
163 Invalid Comma Use - Commas cannot be used within a log entry. Please select another delimiter.
164 Invalid TimeOut Value - An invalid TimeOut value was specified.
165 SessionID Error - A SessionID string cannot be created.
166 Uninitialized Object - An attempt was made to access an uninitialized object.
167 Session Initialization Error - An error occurred while initializing the Session object.
168 Disallowed object use - An intrinsic object cannot be stored within the Session object.
169 Missing object information - An object with missing information cannot be stored in the Session object. The threading model information for an object is required.
170 Delete Session Error - The Session did not delete properly.
171 Missing Path - The Path parameter must be specified for the MapPath method.
172 Invalid Path - The Path parameter for the MapPath method must be a virtual path. A physical path was used.
173 Invalid Path Character - An invalid character was specified in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
174 Invalid Path Character(s) - An invalid '/' or '\\' was found in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
175 Disallowed Path Characters - The '..' characters are not allowed in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
176 Path Not Found - The Path parameter for the MapPath method did not correspond to a known path.
177 Server.CreateObject Failed.
178 Server.CreateObject Access Error - The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.
179 Application Initialization Error - An error occurred while initializing the Application object.
180 Disallowed object use - An intrinsic object cannot be stored within the Application object.
181 Invalid threading model - An object using the apartment threading model cannot be stored within the Application object.
182 Missing object information - An object with missing information cannot be stored in the Application object. The threading model information for the object is required.
183 Empty Cookie Key - A cookie with an empty key cannot be stored.
184 Missing Cookie Name - A name must be specified for a cookie.
185 Missing Default Property - A default property was not found for the object.
186 Error parsing certificate.
187 Object addition conflict - Could not add object to application. Application was locked down by another request for adding an object.
188 Disallowed object use - Cannot add objects created using object tags to the session intrinsic.
189 Disallowed object use - Cannot add objects created using object tags to the application intrinsic.
190 Unexpected error - A trappable error occurred while releasing an external object.
191 Unexpected error - A trappable error occurred in the OnStartPage method of an external object.
192 Unexpected error - A trappable error occurred in the OnEndPage method of an external object.
193 OnStartPage Failed - An error occurred in the OnStartPage method of an external object.
194 OnEndPage Failed - An error occurred in the OnEndPage method of an external object.
195 Invalid Server Method Call - This method of the Server object cannot be called during Session_OnEnd and Application_OnEnd.
196 Cannot launch out of process component - Only InProc server components should be used. If you want to use LocalServer components, you must set the AspAllowOutOfProcComponents metabase setting. Please consult the Help file for important considerations.
197 Disallowed object use - Cannot add object with apartment model behavior to the application intrinsic object.
198 Server shutting down. Cannot process request.
199 Disallowed object use - Cannot add JScript objects to the session.
200 Out of Range 'Expires' attribute - The date and time given for Expires precedes Jan 1, 1980, or exceeds Jan 19, 2038, 3:14:07 GMT.
201 Invalid Default Script Language - The default script language specified for this application is invalid.
202 Missing Code Page - The code page attribute is missing.
203 Invalid Code Page - The specified code page attribute is invalid.
204 Invalid CodePage Value - An invalid CodePage value was specified.
205 Change Notification - Failed to create event for change notification.
206 Cannot call BinaryRead - Cannot call BinaryRead after using Request.Form collection.
207 Cannot use Request.Form - Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead.
208 Cannot use generic Request collection - Cannot use the generic Request collection after calling BinaryRead.
209 Illegal value for TRANSACTION property - The TRANSACTION property can only be REQUIRED, REQUIRES_NEW, SUPPORTED or NOT_SUPPORTED.
210 Method not implemented - This method has not yet been implemented.
211 Object out of scope - A built-in ASP object has been referenced, which is no longer valid.
212 Cannot Clear Buffer - Response.Clear is not allowed after a Response.Flush while Client Debugging is enabled.
214 Invalid Path parameter - The Path parameter exceeds the maximum length allowed.
215 Illegal value for ENABLESESSIONSTATE property - The ENABLESESSIONSTATE property can only be TRUE or FALSE.
216 MSDTC Service not running - Transactional Web pages cannot be run if the MSDTC service is not running.
217 Invalid Scope in object tag - Object scope must be Page, Session, or Application.
218 Missing LCID - The LCID attribute is missing.
219 Invalid LCID - The specified LCID is not available.

note Note Verify that the locale identifier (LCID) that you specified is installed on the Web server.

220 Requests for Global.asa Not Allowed - Requests with the URL pointing to Global.asa are not allowed.
221 Invalid @ Command directive - The specified '%0' option is unknown or invalid.
222 Invalid TypeLib Specification - METADATA tag contains an invalid Type Library specification.
223 TypeLib Not Found - METADATA tag contains a Type Library specification that does not match any Registry entry.
224 Cannot load TypeLib - Cannot load Type Library specified in the METADATA tag.
225 Cannot wrap TypeLibs - Cannot create a Type Library Wrapper object from the Type Libraries specified in METADATA tags.
226 Cannot modify StaticObjects - StaticObjects collection cannot be modified at run time.
227 Server.Execute Failed - The call to Server.Execute failed.
228 Server.Execute Error - The call to Server.Execute failed while loading the page.
229 Server.Transfer Failed - The call to Server.Transfer failed.
230 Server.Transfer Error - The call to Server.Transfer failed while loading the page.
231 Server.Execute Error - Invalid URL form or fully qualified absolute URL was used. Use relative URLs.
232 Invalid Cookie Specification - METADATA tag contains an invalid cookie specification.
233 Cannot load cookie script source - Cannot load cookie script source file specified in the METADATA tag.
234 Invalid include directive - Server-side include directives may not be present in script blocks. Please use the SRC attribute of the <SCRIPT> tag.
235 Server.Transfer Error - Invalid URL form or fully qualified absolute URL was used. Use relative URLs.
236 Invalid Cookie Specification - METADATA tag contains an invalid or missing SRC parameter.
237 Invalid Cookie Specification - METADATA tag contains an invalid or missing NAME parameter.
238 Missing attribute value - No value was specified for the '%0' attribute.
239 Cannot process file - UNICODE ASP files are not supported.
240 Script Engine Exception - A ScriptEngine threw exception '%X' in '%s' from '%s'.
241 CreateObject Exception - The CreateObject of '%s' caused exception %X.
242 Query OnStartPage Interface Exception - Querying Object '%s''s OnStartPage or OnEndPage methods caused exception %X.
243 Invalid METADATA tag in Global.asa - Only METADATA TYPE='TypeLib' may be used in Global.asa.
244 Cannot Enable Session State - Session state cannot be enabled when it has been disabled in the application.
245 Mixed usage of Code Page values - The @CODEPAGE value specified differs from that of the including file's CODEPAGE or the file's saved format.
246 Too many concurrent users. Please try again later.
247 Bad Argument to BinaryRead - The argument to BinaryRead must be non-negative.
248 Script isn't transacted - This ASP file must be transacted in order to use the ObjectContext object.
249 Cannot use IStream on Request - Cannot use IStream on Request object after using Request.Form collection or Request.BinaryRead.
250 Invalid Default Code Page - The default code page specified for this application is invalid.
251 Response Buffer Limit Exceeded - Execution of the ASP page caused the Response Buffer to exceed its configured limit.