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Performance Counters Reference

Performance counters measure quantities of information or data, according to the number, size, duration, and rate of data being requested or received. You should not expect to get a list of details from a counter, such as a list of error messages. Instead, use performance counters to get quantities, such as the number of error message since startup or the rate at which error messages are being generated.

You can access counter data through the System Monitor (formerly known as Performance Monitor), an MMC snap-in, or programmatically by using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

The following tables of counters are included in this reference:

  • Web Service Counters
  • ASP System Monitor Counters
  • Web Service Cache Counters
  • IIS Global Counters
  • FTP Service Counters

The tables in this reference contain the following information about each counter:

  • The name of the counter
  • A description of the data the counter maintains
  • The name of the component that tracks the counter
  • The granularities of the data the counter provides (for example, total and site)
  • Whether the counter calculates a value
  • The data typeof the counter (for example, 64- or 32-bit)
  • Whether the counter is new to IIS 6.0

Web Service Counters

Web Service Counters are available in both IIS 5.0 isolation mode and worker process isolation mode.

Counter Description IIS 6.0
Data Type New
TotalBytesSent Total bytes of data that was sent by the Web servicesince Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total, Site/No 64 Yes
BytesSentPerSec Rate that data bytes are sent by the Web service,per second. HTTP.sys Total, Site/Yes 64 No
TotalBytesReceived Total bytes of data that was received by the Web servicesince Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total, Site/No 64 Yes
BytesReceivedPerSec Rate at which data bytes are received by the Web service,per second. HTTP.sys Total, Site/Yes 64 No
TotalBytesTransferred Total bytes of data that was sent and received by the Web servicesince Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total, Site/Yes 64 Yes
BytesTotalPerSec Sum of BytesSentPerSec and BytesReceivedPerSec. HTTP.sys Total, Site/Yes 64 No
TotalFilesSent Total number of user mode files that were sent by Web service since Web service startup (not including cache hits). W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
FilesSentPerSec Rate that files are sent, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalFilesReceived Total number of files received by Web service since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
FilesReceivedPerSec Rate that files are received by the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalFilesTransferred Total number of files that were sent and receivedby the Web service since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
FilesPerSec Rate at which files are sent and received by the Web service,per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentAnonUsers Number of current users who have anonymous connections to the Web service. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentNonAnonUsers Number of current users who have nonanonymous connections to the Web service. This number reflects the number of user tokens currently cached. The timeout is 15 minutes. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalAnonUsers Total number of users who had anonymous connections to the Web service since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
AnonUsersPerSec Rate at which users are making anonymous connections to the Web service. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalNonAnonUsers Total number of users who had nonanonymous connections to the Web service since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
NonAnonUsersPerSec Rate at which users are making nonanonymous connections to the Web service,per second. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
MaxAnonUsers Maximum number of users who made concurrent anonymous connections to the Web service since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
MaxNonAnonUsers Maximum number of users who made concurrent nonanonymous connections to the Web service since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentConnections Current number of active TCP connections to the Web service. HTTP.sys Total, Site/No 32 No
MaxConnections Maximum number of simultaneous connections to the Web servicesince Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalConnAttempts Total number of attempted connections to the Web service since Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total, Site/No 32 No
ConnAttemptsPerSec Rate of attempted connections to the Web servicesinceWeb service startup,per second. HTTP.sys Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalLogonAttempts Total number of log ons attempted on the Web service since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
LogonAttemptsPerSec Rate at which log ons to the Web service are being attempted,per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalOptionsReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the OPTIONS method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
OptionsReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the OPTIONS method are made. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalGetReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the GET method since Web service startup. HTTP.sys, W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
GetReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the GET method are made to the Web service, per second. HTTP.sys, W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalPostReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the POST method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
PostReqsPerSec Rate at which requests using the POST method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalHeadReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were made using the HEAD method since Web service startup. HTTP.sys, W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
HeadReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the HEAD method are madeto the Web service, per second. HTTP.sys, W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalPutReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the PUT method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
PutReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the PUT method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalDeleteReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the DELETE method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
DeleteReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the DELETE method are madeto the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalTraceReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the TRACE method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
TraceReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the TRACE method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalMoveReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the MOVE method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
MoveReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the MOVE method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalCopyReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the COPY method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
CopyReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the COPY method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalMkcolReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the MKCOL method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
MkcolReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the MKCOL method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalPropfindReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the PROPFIND method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
PropfindReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the PROPFIND method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalProppatchReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the PROPPATCH method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
ProppatchReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the PROPPATCH method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalSearchReqs Total number of HTTP requeststhat were using the SEARCH method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
SearchReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the SEARCH method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalLockReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the LOCK method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
LockReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the LOCK method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalUnlockReqs Total number of HTTP requests that were using the UNLOCK method since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
UnlockReqsPerSec Rate at which HTTP requests using the UNLOCK method are made to the Web service, per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalOtherReqs Total number of HTTP requests that do not use the OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, MOVE, COPY, MKCOL, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, SEARCH, LOCK, or UNLOCK methods since Web service startup. May include LINK or other methods supported by gateway applications. HTTP.sys, W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
OtherReqsperSec Rate at which HTTP requests are made to the Web service that do not use the methods listed for TotalOtherReqs. HTTP.sys, W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalReqs Total number of HTTP requests since Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalReqsPerSec Rate at which all HTTP requests are made,per second. HTTP.sys Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalNotFoundErrors Total number of requests that could not be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found. Generally reported as HTTP error 404. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
NotFoundErrorsPerSec Rate at which HTTP response errors with code 404 are returned,per second. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalLockedErrors Total number of requests that could not be satisfied by the server because the requested document was locked. Generally reported as HTTP error 423. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
LockedErrorsPerSec Rate at which HTTP response errors with code 423 are returned,per second. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentCgiReqs Current number of CGI requests that are being processed simultaneously by the Web service,per second. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalCgiReqs Number of all CGI requests that have been made since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
CgiReqsPerSec Rate at which CGI requests are being processed simultaneously by the Web service. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
MaxCgiReqs Maximum number of CGI requests that can be processed simultaneously by the Web service. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentIsapiExtReqs Current number of ISAPI extension requests that are being processed simultaneously by the Web service. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalIsapiExtReqs Number of all ISAPI extension requests that have been made since Web service startup. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
IsapiExtReqsPerSec Rate of ISAPI extension requests that are processed simultaneously by the Web service. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
MaxIsapiExtReqs Maximum number of ISAPI extension requests that have been processed simultaneously by the Web service. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentAuthUserCalCount Current number of licenses for authenticated connections that are used simultaneously by the Web service. Obsolete. Always zero. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
MaxAuthUserCalCount Maximum number of licenses for authenticated connections that can be used simultaneously by the Web service. Obsolete. Always zero. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalFailed AuthUserCalConx Number of HTTP requests that failed because a license was unavailable for an authenticated user since Web service startup. Obsolete. Always zero. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
CurrentSslCalCount Current number of licenses for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections that can be used simultaneously by the Web service. Obsolete. Always zero. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalFailedSslCalConx Number of HTTP requests that failed because licenses for SSL connectionswere unavailablesince Web service startup. Obsolete. Always zero. W3WP Total, Site/No 32 No
MeasuredIoBandwidthUsage Measured bandwidth I/O averaged over one minute. HTTP.sys Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentBlockedBandwidthBytes Current number of bytes that are temporarily blocked because of bandwidth throttling settings. HTTP.sys Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalBlockedBandwidthBytes Number of bytesthat are blocked because of bandwidth throttling settings. HTTP.sys Total, Site/No 32 No
ServiceUptime Uptime for W3SVC (World Wide Web Publishing Service) or Web sites. WAS Total, Site/No 32 No
MaxCalSsl Maximum number of licenses that can be used simultaneously by the Web service for SSL connections. Obsolete. Always zero. W3WP Total, Site/Yes 32 No

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ASP System Monitor Counters

ASP Perfmon counters are available in both IIS 5.0 isolation mode and worker process isolation mode.

Counter Description IIS 6.0
Data Type New
AspDebuggingRequests Numberofrequestsfor debugging documents since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspScriptRuntimeErrors Number of requests that failed due to run-time errors since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspPreprocessorErrors Number of requests that failed because of preprocessor errors since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspScriptCompileErrors Number of requests that failed because of script compilation errors since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspErrorsPerSec Rate of ASP errors,per second. W3WP Total/Yes 32 No
AspReqBytesInTotal Total size, in bytes, of all requests. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspReqBytesOutTotal Total size, in bytes, of responses sent to clients, excluding standard HTTP response headers. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspReqExecTime Time, in milliseconds, to execute the most recent request. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspReqWaitTime Time, in milliseconds, that the most recent request was waiting in the queue. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspReqDisconnect Number of requests that disconnected because of communication failuresince Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspReqsExecuting Number of requests that are currently executing. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTotalFailedReqs Number of requests that failed because of errors, authorization failure, or rejectionssince Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspNotAuthorizedReqs Number of requests that failed because of insufficient access rights since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspNotFoundReqs Number of requests for files that were not foundsince Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspQueuedReqs Current number of requests that are waiting for service from the queue. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspRejectedReqs Number of requests that were not executed because there were insufficient resources to process themsince Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspSucceededReqs Number of requests that executed successfullysince Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTimedOutReqs Number of requests that timed outsince Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTotalReqs Number of requests since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspReqsPerSec Rate of request execution,per second. W3WP Total/Yes 32 No
AspScriptEnginesCached Number of script engines in the cache. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspSessionDuration Time, in milliseconds, that the most recent session persisted. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspSessionsCurrent Number of sessions that are currently being serviced. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspSessionsTimedOut Number of sessions that timed out since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspSessionsTotal Number of sessions since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTemplatesCached Number of templates that are currently cached. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTemplateCacheHitRate Percent of requests that are found in the template cache. W3WP Total/Yes 32 No
AspTemplateNotifications Number of templates that are invalidated in the cache because of change notification. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTransactionsAborted Number of transactions that were aborted since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTransactionsCommitted Number of transactions that were committedsince Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTransactionsPending Current number of transactions that are in progress. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTransactionsTotal Number of transactions since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
AspTransactionsPerSec Rate at which ASP transactions are started,per second. W3WP Total/No 32 No

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Web Service Cache Counters

Web services and FTP services do not share a common cache. The caches are split into two separate performance objects: one for FTP (IIS global counters) and one for Web services(Web service cache counters).

Web service cache counters are available in both IIS 5.0 isolation mode and worker process isolation mode.

Counter Description IIS 6.0
Data Type New
CurrentFilesCached Numberoffiles that currently have content in the Web service cache. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
TotalFilesCached Number of files that had content added to the Web service cache since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
FileCacheHits Number of successful look ups in the file cache since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
FileCacheMisses Number of unsuccessful look ups in the file cache since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
FileCacheHitRatio Ratio of FileCacheHits to TotalCacheRequests since Web service startup. W3WP Total/Yes 32 Yes
FileCacheFlushes Number of file cache flushes since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
CurrentFileCacheMemoryUsage Number of bytes that are currently used for the file cache. W3WP Total/No 64 Yes
MaxFileCacheMemoryUsage Maximum number of bytesthat can be used for the file cache. W3WP Total/No 64 Yes
ActiveFlushedEntries Number of cached file handles that will be closed when all current transfers are complete. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
TotalFlushedFiles Number of file handles that have been removed from the cache sinceWeb service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
CurrentUrisCached Number of URI information blocks that are currently in the cache. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
TotalUrisCached Number of URI information blocks that have been added to the cache since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
UriCacheHits Number of successful look ups in the URI cache since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
UriCacheMisses Number of unsuccessful look ups in the URI cache since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
UriCacheHitRatio Ratio of UriCacheHits to TotalCacheRequests. W3WP Total/No 32 Yes
UriCacheFlushes Total URI cache flushes since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
TotalFlushedUris Total URI information blocks that have been removed from the cache since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
CurrentMetadataCached Number of metadata information blocks that are currently in the cache for all Web sites. W3WP Total/No 32 No
TotalMetadataCached Number of metadata information blocks that have been added to the cache for all Web sites since service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
MetadataCacheHits Number of successful lookups in the metadata cache since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
MetadataCacheMisses Number of unsuccessful look ups in the metadata cachesince Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
MetadataCacheHitRatio Ratio of MetadataCacheHits to total metadata cache requests. W3WP Total/Yes 32 No
MetadataCacheFlushes Number of metadata cache flushes since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
TotalFlushedMetadata Number of metadata information blocks that have been removed from the metadata cache since Web service startup. W3WP Total/No 32 No
KernelCurrentUrisCached Number of URI information blocks that are currently in the kernel URI cache. HTTP.sys Total/No 32 Yes
KernelTotalUrisCached Number of URI information blocks that have been added to the kernel URI cache since Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total/No 32 Yes
KernelUriCacheHits Number of successful look ups in the kernel URI cachesince Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total/No 32 Yes
KernelUriCacheHitsPerSec Number of kernel URI cache hits, per second. HTTP.sys Total/Yes 32 Yes
KernelUriCacheMisses Number of unsuccessful look ups in the kernel URI cache since Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total/No 32 Yes
KernelUriCacheHitRatio Ratio of kernel URI cache hits to total cache hits. HTTP.sys Total/No 32 Yes
KernelUriCacheFlushes Number of kernel URI cache flushes sinceWeb service startup. HTTP.sys Total/No 32 Yes
KernelTotalFlushedUris Number of kernel URI information blocks that have been removed from the URI cache since Web service startup. HTTP.sys Total/No 32 Yes

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IIS Global Counters

Web services and FTP services do not share a common cache. The caches are split into two separate performance objects: one for FTP (IIS global counters) and one for Web cache counters (Web service cache counters).

IIS global counters are available in both IIS 5.0 isolation mode and worker process isolation mode.

Counter Description IIS 6.0
Data Type New
MeasuredAsyncBandwidthUsage Measured bandwidth of asynchronous I/O averaged over a minute. MSFTPSVC Total/Yes 32 No
CurrentFilesCached Number of files that are currently in the FTP service cache. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
TotalFilesCached Number of files whose content was added to the FTP cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
FileCacheHits Number of successful look ups in the cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
FileCacheMisses Number of unsuccessful lookups in the cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
FileCacheHitRatio Ratio of file cache hits to total cache requests. MSFTPSVC Total/Yes 32 No
FileCacheFlushes Number of files that have been flushed from the FTP file cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
CurrentFileCacheMemoryUsage Number of bytes that are currently used for the FTP file cache. MSFTPSVC Total/No 64 No
MaxFileCacheMemoryUsage Maximum number of bytes that were used for the cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 64 No
ActiveFlushedEntries Number of cached file handles that will be closed after all current transfers are complete. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
TotalFlushedFiles Number of file handles that have been removed from the cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
CurrentUrisCached Number of URI information blocks that are currently in the FTP cache. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
TotalUrisCached Number of URI information blocks that have been added to the cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
UriCacheHits Number of successful lookups in the URI cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
UriCacheMisses Number of unsuccessful lookups in the URI cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
UriCacheHitRatio Ratio of URI cache hits to total cache requests. MSFTPSVC Total/Yes 32 No
UriCacheFlushes Number of URI cache flushes since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
TotalFlushedUris Number of URI information blocks that have been removed from the cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
CurrentBlobsCached Number of BLOB information blocks that are currently in the cache for all FTP sites. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
TotalBlobsCached Number of BLOB information blocks that have been added to the cache for all FTP sites since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
BlobCacheHits Number of successful lookups in the BLOB cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
BlobCacheMisses Number of unsuccessful look ups in the BLOB cache since FTP service starup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
BlobCacheHitRatio Ratio of BLOB cache hits to total BLOB cache requests. MSFTPSVC Total/Yes 32 No
BlobCacheFlushes Number of BLOB cache flushes since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No
TotalFlushedBlobs Number of BLOB information blocks that have been removed from the BLOB cache since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total/No 32 No

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FTP Service Counters

FTP service counters are available in both IIS 5.0 isolation mode and worker process isolation mode.

Counter Description IIS 6.0
Data Type New
BytesSentPerSec Rate that bytes of data are sent by the FTP service, per second. MSFTPSVC Total/Yes 64 No
BytesReceivedPerSec Rate at which data bytes are received by the FTP service,per second. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/Yes 64 No
BytesTotalPerSec Sum of BytesSentPerSec and BytesReceivedPerSec. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/Yes 64 No
TotalFilesSent Total number of user mode files that were sent by FTP service since FTP service startup (not including cache hits). MSFTPSVC Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalFilesReceived Total number of files received by FTP service since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalFilesTransferred Total number of files that were sent and receivedby the FTP service since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentAnonUsers Number of current users who have anonymous connections to the FTP service. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentNonAnonUsers Number of current users who have nonanonymous connections to the FTP service. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalAnonUsers Total number of users who had anonymous connections to the FTP service since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalNonAnonUsers Total number of users who had nonanonymous connections to the FTP service since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/Yes 32 No
MaxAnonUsers Maximum number of users who made concurrent anonymous connections to the FTP service since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/Yes 32 No
MaxNonAnonUsers Maximum number of users who made concurrent nonanonymous connections to the FTP service since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/Yes 32 No
CurrentConnections Current number of connections to the FTP service. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/No 32 No
MaxConnections Maximum number of simultaneous connections to the FTP service since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/Yes 32 No
TotalConnAttempts Total number of attempted connections to the FTP service since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/No 32 No
TotalLogonAttempts Total number of log ons attempted on the FTP service since FTP service startup. MSFTPSVC Total, Site/No 32 No

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