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Windows Scripting Samples for Programmatic Administration

Managing a Web server from IIS Manager graphical user interface (GUI) is perfect when only dealing with a few machines infrequently. Using a GUI can get tedious when managing multiple machines and making frequent configuration changes over the internet. Using programmatic administration scripts is much faster.

In this section of the documentation are descriptions of IIS code samples for programmatic administration scripts. IIS samples are included in the IIS Software Developer Kit (SDK). You can download the IIS SDK from Platform SDK Update. You can view the SDK at MSDN Online. In the table of contents at MSDN Online, click Web Development, Server Technologies, Internet Information Services (IIS), SDK Documentation, Internet Information Services, Samples.

The samples are organized into the following sections:

Samples Description Coding Languages Related Documentation
Changing Metabase Properties using WMI Sample administration script that uses WMI to change string and integer properties in the IIS Metabase. Written in JScript See the Related Topics listed below
Changing Metabase Properties using ADSI Sample administration script that uses ADSI to change string and integer properties in the IIS Metabase. This sample performs the same tasks as the WMI sample, but uses ADSI. Written in JScript See the Related Topics listed below

Related Topics

For more information on programmatic administration, see the following topics:

important Important These samples are provided for educational purposes only. They are not intended to be used in a production environment, have not been tested in a production environment, and Microsoft does not provide technical support for them.