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Value property (Field)

Returns the value assigned to a Field object retrieved from a record set. The value is not set for fields within a DataSet object. Read-only Variant.

Applies to

Objects:  Field




Part Description
object Required. An expression that returns a Field object.


The Value property is the default property for the Field object.

To return the data type of a field, use the Type property of the Field object.


    Sub GetDataSetValues()

  'Write all the values from a data set to a tab-delimited file   Dim objApp As New MapPoint.Application   Dim objDataSet As MapPoint.DataSet   Dim objRS As MapPoint.Recordset   Dim objFld As MapPoint.Field   Dim strVals As String   Dim iFile As Integer   'Open an existing data set   Set objDataSet = objApp.OpenMap(objApp.Path & "\Samples\Sales.ptm").DataSets("SampleData")   'Query to obtain a record set with all the records   Set objRS = objDataSet.QueryAllRecords   'Open the file   iFile = FreeFile   Open "" For Output As #iFile   'Write the column names   For Each objFld In objDataSet.Fields     strVals = strVals & objFld.Name & vbTab   Next objFld   Print #iFile, strVals   'Loop through all the records (if any)   Do Until objRS.EOF     'Write the column values     strVals = ""     For Each objFld In objRS.Fields     strVals = strVals & CStr(objFld.Value) & vbTab     Next objFld     Print #iFile, strVals     'Move to the next record (or to EOF)     objRS.MoveNext   Loop   'Close the file and display it   Close #iFile   Shell "notepad"   End Sub