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IHTMLAreaElement::alt Property

Sets or retrieves a text alternative to the graphic.


HRESULT IHTMLAreaElement::get_alt(BSTR *p);
HRESULT IHTMLAreaElement::put_alt(BSTR v);


  • p
    Pointer to a variable of type BSTR that receives the text to display as an alternative to the graphic.
  • v
    BSTR that specifies the text to display as an alternative to the graphic.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


The text is used to replace the graphic for text-only browsers and to display in the window before the graphic has loaded. The text also acts as a ToolTip if the IHTMLElement::title is not set when the user hovers the mouse over the graphic.

Alternate text should be provided whenever the graphic is not rendered. Alternate text is mandatory for Level 0 documents.

In Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, This property now applies to the object object.