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Find reference information to help you build communication functionality into your Windows Vista applications.
  • Architecture/Overview
  • IIS
  • Windows Communication Foundation
  • Windows Workflow Foundation
  • Web Services on Devices


Windows Vista Developer Story: Communication Infrastructure
Discusses how Windows Vista provides improvements to the basic network infrastructure, Web-based applications and services, and the range of available collaborative technologies.
Windows Vista Developer Story: .NET Framework Communication, IIS, and Collaboration
Connectivity has become an essential feature both in the home and at work. Learn how Windows Vista provides improvements to the basic network infrastructure, Web-based applications and services, and collaborative technologies.


Windows Vista Developer Story: IIS Manager
Provides an overview of the new version of the IIS Manager (previously known as the Web Management Tool) that has been updated to better support the power of IIS 7.
Windows Vista Developer Story: IIS Modules
Explains how to develop IIS 7.0 modules through both Win32 and ASP.NET interfaces.
Windows Vista Developer Story: Internet Information Services
Provides an overview of the architecture and features of Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.
Windows Vista Developer Story: Run-time Status & Control (RSCA) API
Provides an overview of the Run-time Status & Control API, which can be used to access and manipulate the runtime state of websites, application domains, applications, worker processes, currently running requests, and so on.

Windows Communication Foundation

Windows Communication Foundation
Windows Communication Foundation (formerly code-named "Indigo") is a set of .NET technologies for building and running connected systems.

Windows Workflow Foundation

Windows Workflow Foundation
Windows Workflow Foundation is the programming model, engine and tools for quickly building workflow enabled applications on Windows.

Web Services on Devices

Windows Vista Developer Story: Web Services on Devices
Provides an overview of the Web Services on Devices (WSD) technology, which enables devices to interact with Microsoft Windows over an IP-based network.