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This report structure specifies the postal address, city, country/region, etc. of a device. Applications can register for and request reports of this time by specifying the reportType to be LOCATION_ADDRESS_GUID.

See the remarks section below for how to parse this data.


    DWORD                countryRegionOffset;
    DWORD                administrativeDivisionOffset;
    DWORD                cityOffset;
    DWORD                postalCodeOffset;
    DWORD                addressLineOffset;
    DWORD                descriptionOffset;
    BYTE                 data[1];


  • countryRegionOffset
    The country/region that the device is currently in, such as “United States”.
  • administrativeDivisionOffset
    The administrative division/state/territory/…, such as “Ohio”.
  • cityOffset
    The city, such as “Columbus”.
  • postalCodeOffset
    The postal code/zip code, such as “43206”. Note this is always returned as a string, not a DWORD, representation.
  • addressLineOffset
    The street address, such as “123 Elm Street”.
  • descriptionOffset
    Additional information describing the address, such as “Childhood Home of Location Framework Developer”.
  • data
    Actual data buffer containing the information above.


The DWORD Offset fields in the structure indicate the number of bytes into the data member the actual data containing this is set. Each element is represented as a NULL terminated WCHAR string. If an entry was not determined by the plugin, the Offset will be set to LOCATION_OFFSET_UNSET (0xFFFFFFFF).

The Location Framework does not mandate the representation of countries/regions/addresses/etc…, but instead leaves this to the plugin. This means that reports generated by two separate plugins are impossible to compare for equivalence. For instance, one plugin may set the country/region to be “United States” whereas another may indicate it as “United States of America”.


Header lfapi.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later

See Also


Location Framework Structures