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This structure contains text selection information that the SR engine can use to improve recognition accuracy. Related methods are ISpRecoGrammar::SetWordSequenceData and ISpRecoGrammar::SetTextSelection.


typedef struct tagSPTEXTSELECTIONINFO{
  ULONG ulStartActiveOffset;
  ULONG cchActiveChars;
  ULONG ulStartSelection;
  ULONG cchSelection;


  • ulStartActiveOffset
    Number of characters from the start of the word sequence data buffer. The word containing the character indicated is the first word of the active text selection buffer. This member identifies the buffer area that should be active for recognition for a text buffer transition in a CFG.
  • cchActiveChars
    Number of characters for the active range of the text selection buffer. This member identifies the buffer area that should be active for recognition for a text buffer transition in a CFG.
  • ulStartSelection
    Start of the selected text. This member can be used with dictation. For example, the user is selecting part of the previously dictated text to edit or correct.
  • cchSelection
    Number of characters in the user selection. This member can be used with dictation.


Header sapi.h, sapi.idl
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later

See Also


SAPI Structures