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This enumeration defines attributes for grammar rules.


  SPRAF_TopLevel = (1 << 0),
  SPRAF_Active = (1 << 1),
  SPRAF_Export = (1 << 2),
  SPRAF_Import = (1 << 3),
  SPRAF_Interpreter = (1 << 4),
  SPRAF_Dynamic = (1 << 5),
  SPRAF_AutoPause = (1 << 16)


  • SPRAF_TopLevel
    Use top-level rule. Top-level rules are the entry points into the grammar and can be activated or deactivated programmatically. This value is set using the TOPLEVEL attribute in the Speech Text Grammar format.
  • SPRAF_Active
    Activate top-level rule by default. This value is set using the TOPLEVEL="ACTIVE" attribute-value pair in the Speech Text Grammar format.
  • SPRAF_Export
    Export rule. It can be referred to by a rule in another grammar. This value is set using the EXPORT="YES" attribute-value pair in the Speech Text Grammar format.
  • SPRAF_Import
    Import rule from another grammar and not defined in the current grammar.
  • SPRAF_Interpreter
    Use rule with associated interpreter. An interpreter is custom C or C++ code that implements the ISpCFGInterpreter interface.
  • SPRAF_Dynamic
    Use dynamic rule. The rule can be changed programmatically through the ISpGrammarBuilder interface. The context-free grammar must be loaded with the SPLO_DYNAMIC flag to enable changes at run time. See SPLOADOPTIONS.
  • SPRAF_AutoPause
    Use rule for grammar with AutoPause attribute. This element is only valid at run time as part of a rule state. The value is not valid to pass as part of a rule definition.


Header Sapi, sapi.idl, sapiddk.idl
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later

See Also


SAPI Enumerations