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LineTranslateDialog (Network UI)

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This function displays a dialog box that allows a user to change the current location of a phone number about to be dialed, adjust location and calling card parameters, and see the effect on a phone number about to be dialed. This function is called when Telephony API (TAPI) calls on a Unimodem device.


DWORD LineTranslateDialog(
  HWND hParent, 
  HWND* pDialogWnd


  • hParent
    [in] Handle to the parent window to which the dialog box is to be attached.
  • pDialogWnd
    [in] Pointer to the dialog window.

Return Value

The returned DWORD is the device ID.


Header netui.h
Library Netui.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.10 and later

See Also



Other Resources

Network User Interface Functions