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IUrlAccessor::GetFileName Method

Retrieves the file name of the item, which the filter host uses for indexing. If the item does not exist in a file system and the IUrlAccessor::BindToStream method is implemented, this method returns the shell's System.ParsingPath property for the item.


HRESULT GetFileName(      
    WCHAR wszFileName[],
    DWORD dwSize,
    DWORD *pdwLength


  • wszFileName
    [out]  Receives the file name as a null-terminated Unicode string.
  • dwSize
    [in]  Size in TCHARs of wszFileName, not including the terminating NULL.
  • pdwLength
    [out]  Receives a pointer to the number of TCHARs written to wszFileName, not including NULL.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


If this method is implemented, the filter host uses the file name to determine the correct IFilter to use to parse the content of the stream returned by IUrlAccessor::BindToStream.