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ITextProvider::RangeFromPoint Method

Returns the degenerate (empty) text range nearest to the specified screen coordinates.


HRESULT RangeFromPoint(      
    UiaPoint point,
    ITextRangeProvider **pRetVal


  • point
    [in] A POINT structure that specifies the location in screen coordinates.
  • pRetVal
    [out, retval] The address of a variable that receives a pointer to the ITextRangeProvider interface of a degenerate (empty) range nearest the specified location. This parameter is passed uninitialized.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


A text range that encloses a child object is returned if the screen coordinates are within the coordinates of an image, hyperlink, or other embedded object.

Because hidden text is not ignored by ITextProvider::RangeFromPoint, a degenerate range from the visible text closest to the given point is returned.

The property never returns NULL (Nothing in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET).

See Also

UI Automation Providers Overview, ITextRangeProvider