Security Classes
The latest version of this topic can be found at Security Classes (ATL).
These classes are wrappers for common Win32 security classes and objects.
CAccessToken This class is a wrapper for an access token.
CAcl This class is a wrapper for an ACL (access-control list) structure.
CDacl This class is a wrapper for a DACL (discretionary access-control list) structure.
CPrivateObjectSecurityDesc This class represents a private object security descriptor object.
CSacl This class is a wrapper for a SACL (system access-control list) structure.
CSecurityAttributes This class is a thin wrapper for the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure.
CSecurityDesc This class is a wrapper for the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure.
CSid This class is a wrapper for a
(security identifier) structure.CTokenGroups This class is a wrapper for the TOKEN_GROUPS structure.
CTokenPrivileges This class is a wrapper for the TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure.