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Configure Hosting Services Page

This page enables you to perform the following configuration:

  • Configure the accounts for the Event Collection service and the Workflow Management service.

  • Add the default configuration entries for the monitoring and persistence stores to the root Web.config file.

  • Initialize the default monitoring and persistence stores.

The configuration wizard overwrites existing configuration values with any new values that you enter in the wizard. The configuration values entered in this wizard are set as defaults for the server in the root (server) Web.config file. You can override this configuration for an application or Web site by entering different configuration values in the application or site Web.config files. Many of the steps that are performed in the configuration wizard can be performed manually by executing an AppFabric configuration cmdlet. For more information, see the AppFabric core help.

Set monitoring configuration

Use this section to configure monitoring to enable tracking of applications that include WF and WCF services.



Set monitoring configuration

Click this checkbox to select the AppFabric Event Collection service account, and to select and configure the monitoring store.

AppFabric Event Collection service account

Displays the Windows logon account for the Event Collection service. By default, the Event Collection service account is used for the monitoring provider. The Event Collection service account is a member of the Administrators group, and has administrative access to the monitoring database. The default is NT Authority\LocalService. You cannot enter the service account in this text box, but must do so in the Select User dialog box that you access by clicking Change. For more information, see the section “Security Model for AppFabric” in the online Help.


Click to display the Select User dialog box that you use to select an account for the AppFabric Event Collection service.

Monitoring provider

Select the provider that will give access to the monitoring database. All valid data providers registered on the local machine.config file will be displayed in this list.


In this release, the only monitoring data provider that you can select is System.Data.SqlClient.


After selecting the monitoring provider, click to display the Configure SQL Monitoring store page to set the configuration for the monitoring provider.

How to install additional Monitoring providers

You can add a monitoring provider to the list of providers that you can select in the Monitoring provider drop-down box. Click this link to get help on how to add a provider.

Set persistence configuration

Use this section to configure persistence to support durable and scalable applications built using WF services.



Set persistence configuration

Click this checkbox to select the AppFabric Workflow Management service account, and to select and configure the persistence store.

AppFabric Workflow Management service account

Displays the Windows logon account for the Workflow Management service. The Workflow Management service account is a member of the Administrators group, and has administrative access to the persistence database. The default is NT Authority\LocalService. You cannot enter the service account in this text box, but must do so in the Select User dialog box that you access by clicking Change. For more information, see the section “Security Model for AppFabric” in the online Help.


Click to display the Select User dialog box that you use to select an account for the AppFabric Workflow Management service.

Persistence provider

Select the provider that will give access to the persistence database. All valid data providers registered on the local machine.config file will be displayed in this list.


In this release, the only persistence data provider that you can select is sqlStoreProvider.


After selecting the persistence provider, click to display the Configure SQL Persistence store page to set the configuration for the persistence provider.

How to install additional Persistence providers

You can add a persistence provider to the list of providers that you can select in the Persistence provider drop-down box. Click this link to get help on how to add a provider.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available for this page:

  • Set monitoring configuration checkbox: Alt+s

  • Set persistence configuration checkbox: Alt+e

  • AppFabric Event Collection Service Change: Alt+c

  • AppFabric Workflow Management service account change: Alt+a

  • Monitoring provider: Alt+m

  • Persistence provider: Alt+r

  • Monitoring provider configure button: Alt+o

  • Persistence provider configure button: Alt+u

  • Help: F1 or Alt+h

  • Next: Alt+n

  • Previous: Alt+p

  • Cancel: Esc