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Microsoft.ApplicationServer.StoreManagement.Query Namespace

This namespace contains types that you can use to create an instance query provider.

An instance query provider for an instance store lets you issue queries against the instance store. When you use a cmdlet such as Get-ASAppServiceInstance to query for instances in an instance store, the cmdlet creates a query provider object and invokes methods on the object. The query provider object creates queries and executes queries against the instance store, and returns query results to the cmdlet. The AppFabric IIS Manager extensions use cmdlets in most scenarios to query against instance stores. Therefore, they also depend on query providers.

All query providers implement the same API and provide an abstraction layer over underlying diverse instance stores. AppFabric includes an instance query provider for the SQL Workflow Instance Store, which lets you query for instances stored in the SQL Server persistence database. When the SQL query provider receives a query from a client (such as a Windows PowerShell cmdlet), it queries and retrieves instance data from the SQL Server database and returns the result set to the client. The implementation of the instance query provider for the SQL Workflow Instance Store is in Microsoft.ApplicationServer.StoreManagement.dll.

To support querying a different type of instance store, you need to have an instance query provider for that store. To create a custom query provider, you need to create a class deriving from the InstanceQueryProvider class and implement methods to run queries on behalf of the client. This section contains documentation for the InstanceQueryProvider type and other types that you can use to create an instance query provider.


Class Description
CommandInfo Represents the information about the command.
GroupingResult Represents the result of the grouping in the query.
HostInfo Represents the information of the specified host.
InstanceInfo Represents the InstanceInfo used in the store.
InstanceQuery A type that lets you execute queries against an instance store.
InstanceQueryArgs A type that the BeginExecuteQuery method of the InstanceQuery class takes as a parameter and uses to query for instances stored in an instance store. The query criteria are determined by the value of properties of the QueryArgs object.
InstanceQueryException Represents the instance query exception.
InstanceQueryExecuteArgs Creates an instance of the InstanceQueryExecuteArgs class.
InstanceQueryGroupArgs Represents the instance of the InstanceQueryGroupArgs class.
InstanceQueryProvider Represents the base class for all instance query providers.
PropertyInfo Represents the property info of a component.


Enumeration Description
CommandStatus Specifies the status of the command.
GroupingMode Specifies the modes of the grouping.
HostType Specifies the type of the host.
InstanceCondition Specifies the conditions for an instance.
InstanceStatus Specifies the possible state values a service can have, depending on whether the service instance is active in the message box database or the tracking database.
Order Represents the order in a query.

  ff425339(v=azure.10).md 2011-08-26