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HtmlHelper Methods


Namespace:   System.Web.Mvc
Assembly:  System.Web.Mvc (in System.Web.Mvc.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(Object)

Replaces underscore characters (_) with hyphens (-) in the specified HTML attributes.

System_CAPS_pubmethod AntiForgeryToken()

Generates a hidden form field (anti-forgery token) that is validated when the form is submitted.

System_CAPS_pubmethod AttributeEncode(Object)

Converts the specified attribute value to an HTML-encoded string.

System_CAPS_pubmethod AttributeEncode(String)

Converts the specified attribute value to an HTML-encoded string.

System_CAPS_pubmethod EnableClientValidation()

Enables input validation that is performed by using client script in the browser.

System_CAPS_pubmethod EnableClientValidation(Boolean)

Enables or disables client validation.

System_CAPS_pubmethod EnableUnobtrusiveJavaScript()

Enables or disables unobtrusive JavaScript.

System_CAPS_pubmethod EnableUnobtrusiveJavaScript(Boolean)

Enables or disables unobtrusive JavaScript.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Encode(Object)

Converts the value of the specified object to an HTML-encoded string.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Encode(String)

Converts the specified string to an HTML-encoded string.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Equals(Object)

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_protmethod Finalize()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod FormatValue(Object, String)

Formats the value.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static GenerateIdFromName(String)

Creates an HTML element ID using the specified element name.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static GenerateIdFromName(String, String)

Creates an HTML element ID using the specified element name and a string that replaces dots in the name.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static GenerateLink(RequestContext, RouteCollection, String, String, String, String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Generates an HTML anchor element (a element) that links to the specified action method.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static GenerateLink(RequestContext, RouteCollection, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Generates an HTML anchor element (a element) that links to the specified action method, and enables the user to specify the communication protocol, name of the host, and a URL fragment.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static GenerateRouteLink(RequestContext, RouteCollection, String, String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Generates an HTML anchor element (a element) that links to the specified URL route.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static GenerateRouteLink(RequestContext, RouteCollection, String, String, String, String, String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Generates an HTML anchor element (a element) that links to the specified URL route, and enables the user to specify the communication protocol, name of the host, and a URL fragment.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static GetFormMethodString(FormMethod)

Returns the HTTP method that handles form input (GET or POST) as a string.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetHashCode()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static GetInputTypeString(InputType)

Returns the HTML input control type as a string.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetType()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetUnobtrusiveValidationAttributes(String)

Gets the collection of unobtrusive JavaScript validation attributes using the specified HTML name attribute.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetUnobtrusiveValidationAttributes(String, ModelMetadata)

Gets the collection of unobtrusive JavaScript validation attributes using the specified HTML name attribute and model metadata.

System_CAPS_pubmethod HttpMethodOverride(HttpVerbs)

Returns a hidden input element that identifies the override method for the specified verb that represents the HTTP data-transfer method used by the client.

System_CAPS_pubmethod HttpMethodOverride(String)

Returns a hidden input element that identifies the override method for the specified HTTP data-transfer method that was used by the client.

System_CAPS_protmethod MemberwiseClone()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static ObjectToDictionary(Object)

Creates a dictionary from an object, by adding each public instance property as a key with its associated value to the dictionary. It will expose public properties from derived types as well. This is typically used with objects of an anonymous type.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Raw(Object)

Returns markup that is not HTML encoded.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Raw(String)

Returns markup that is not HTML encoded.

System_CAPS_pubmethod SetValidationMessageElement(String)

Set element name used to wrap the validation message generated by ValidationMessage and other overloads.

System_CAPS_pubmethod SetValidationSummaryMessageElement(String)

Set element name used to wrap a top-level message in ValidationSummary and other overloads.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToString()

(Inherited from Object.)

Extension Methods

Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod Action(String)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method and returns the result as an HTML string.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Action(String, Object)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method with the specified parameters and returns the result as an HTML string.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Action(String, RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method using the specified parameters and returns the result as an HTML string.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Action(String, String)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method using the specified controller name and returns the result as an HTML string.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Action(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method using the specified parameters and controller name and returns the result as an HTML string.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Action(String, String, RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method using the specified parameters and controller name and returns the result as an HTML string.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String, RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String, String)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String, String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String, String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String, String, String, String, String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ActionLink(String, String, String, String, String, String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm()

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. The form uses the POST method, and the request is processed by the action method for the view.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(Object)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response and includes the route values in the action attribute. The form uses the POST method, and the request is processed by the action method for the view.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response and includes the route values from the route value dictionary in the action attribute. The form uses the POST method, and the request is processed by the action method for the view.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response and sets the action tag to the specified controller and action. The form uses the POST method.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String, FormMethod)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response and sets the action tag to the specified controller and action. The form uses the specified HTTP method.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String, FormMethod, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response and sets the action tag to the specified controller and action. The form uses the specified HTTP method and includes the HTML attributes from a dictionary.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String, FormMethod, Object)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response and sets the action tag to the specified controller and action. The form uses the specified HTTP method and includes the HTML attributes.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response, and sets the action tag to the specified controller, action, and route values. The form uses the POST method.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String, Object, FormMethod)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response and sets the action tag to the specified controller, action, and route values. The form uses the specified HTTP method.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String, Object, FormMethod, Object)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response and sets the action tag to the specified controller, action, and route values. The form uses the specified HTTP method and includes the HTML attributes.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String, RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response, and sets the action tag to the specified controller, action, and route values from the route value dictionary. The form uses the POST method.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String, RouteValueDictionary, FormMethod)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response, and sets the action tag to the specified controller, action, and route values from the route value dictionary. The form uses the specified HTTP method.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginForm(String, String, RouteValueDictionary, FormMethod, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response, and sets the action tag to the specified controller, action, and route values from the route value dictionary. The form uses the specified HTTP method, and includes the HTML attributes from the dictionary.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(Object)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String, FormMethod)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String, FormMethod, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String, FormMethod, Object)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String, Object)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String, Object, FormMethod)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String, Object, FormMethod, Object)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String, RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String, RouteValueDictionary, FormMethod)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod BeginRouteForm(String, RouteValueDictionary, FormMethod, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Writes an opening <form> tag to the response. When the user submits the form, the request will be processed by the route target.(Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CheckBox(String)

Overloaded. Returns a check box input element by using the specified HTML helper and the name of the form field.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CheckBox(String, Boolean)

Overloaded. Returns a check box input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and a value to indicate whether the check box is selected.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CheckBox(String, Boolean, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a check box input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, a value to indicate whether the check box is selected, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CheckBox(String, Boolean, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a check box input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, a value that indicates whether the check box is selected, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CheckBox(String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a check box input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CheckBox(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a check box input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Display(String)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the object that is represented by a string expression.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Display(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the object that is represented by a string expression, using additional view data.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Display(String, String)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the object that is represented by the expression, using the specified template.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Display(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the object that is represented by the expression, using the specified template and additional view data.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Display(String, String, String)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the object that is represented by the expression, using the specified template and an HTML field ID.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Display(String, String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the object that is represented by the expression, using the specified template, HTML field ID, and additional view data.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DisplayForModel()

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the model.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DisplayForModel(Object)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the model, using additional view data.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DisplayForModel(String)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the model using the specified template.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DisplayForModel(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the model, using the specified template and additional view data.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DisplayForModel(String, String)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the model using the specified template and HTML field ID.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DisplayForModel(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns HTML markup for each property in the model, using the specified template, an HTML field ID, and additional view data.(Defined by DisplayExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DisplayName(String)

Gets the display name.(Defined by DisplayNameExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DisplayNameForModel()

Gets the display name for the model.(Defined by DisplayNameExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DisplayText(String)

Returns HTML markup for each property in the object that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by DisplayTextExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DropDownList(String)

Overloaded. Returns a single-selection select element using the specified HTML helper and the name of the form field.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DropDownList(String, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)

Overloaded. Returns a single-selection select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the specified list items.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DropDownList(String, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a single-selection select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the specified list items, and the specified HTML attributes.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DropDownList(String, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a single-selection select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the specified list items, and the specified HTML attributes.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DropDownList(String, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, String)

Overloaded. Returns a single-selection select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the specified list items, and an option label.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DropDownList(String, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a single-selection select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the specified list items, an option label, and the specified HTML attributes.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DropDownList(String, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a single-selection select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the specified list items, an option label, and the specified HTML attributes.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DropDownList(String, String)

Overloaded. Returns a single-selection select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and an option label.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Editor(String)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the object that is represented by the expression.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Editor(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the object that is represented by the expression, using additional view data.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Editor(String, String)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the object that is represented by the expression, using the specified template.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Editor(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the object that is represented by the expression, using the specified template and additional view data.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Editor(String, String, String)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the object that is represented by the expression, using the specified template and HTML field name.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Editor(String, String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the object that is represented by the expression, using the specified template, HTML field name, and additional view data.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod EditorForModel()

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the model.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod EditorForModel(Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the model, using additional view data.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod EditorForModel(String)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the model, using the specified template.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod EditorForModel(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the model, using the specified template and additional view data.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod EditorForModel(String, String)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the model, using the specified template name and HTML field name.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod EditorForModel(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML input element for each property in the model, using the template name, HTML field name, and additional view data.(Defined by EditorExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod EndForm()

Renders the closing </form> tag to the response. (Defined by FormExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Hidden(String)

Overloaded. Returns a hidden input element by using the specified HTML helper and the name of the form field.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Hidden(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a hidden input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the value.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Hidden(String, Object, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a hidden input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the value, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Hidden(String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a hidden input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the value, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Id(String)

Gets the ID of the HtmlHelper string.(Defined by NameExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod IdForModel()

Gets the ID of the HtmlHelper string.(Defined by NameExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Label(String)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Label(String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Label(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Label(String, String)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression using the label text.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Label(String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Label(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod LabelForModel()

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the model.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod LabelForModel(IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod LabelForModel(Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod LabelForModel(String)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression using the label text.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod LabelForModel(String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod LabelForModel(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an HTML label element and the property name of the property that is represented by the specified expression.(Defined by LabelExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ListBox(String)

Overloaded. Returns a multi-select select element using the specified HTML helper and the name of the form field.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ListBox(String, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)

Overloaded. Returns a multi-select select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the specified list items.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ListBox(String, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a multi-select select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the specified list items, and the specified HMTL attributes.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ListBox(String, IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a multi-select select element using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the specified list items.(Defined by SelectExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Name(String)

Gets the full HTML field name for the object that is represented by the expression.(Defined by NameExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod NameForModel()

Gets the full HTML field name for the object that is represented by the expression.(Defined by NameExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Partial(String)

Overloaded. Renders the specified partial view as an HTML-encoded string.(Defined by PartialExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Partial(String, Object)

Overloaded. Renders the specified partial view as an HTML-encoded string.(Defined by PartialExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Partial(String, Object, ViewDataDictionary)

Overloaded. Renders the specified partial view as an HTML-encoded string.(Defined by PartialExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Partial(String, ViewDataDictionary)

Overloaded. Renders the specified partial view as an HTML-encoded string.(Defined by PartialExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Password(String)

Overloaded. Returns a password input element by using the specified HTML helper and the name of the form field.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Password(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a password input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the value.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Password(String, Object, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a password input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the value, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Password(String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a password input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the value, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RadioButton(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a radio button input element that is used to present mutually exclusive options.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RadioButton(String, Object, Boolean)

Overloaded. Returns a radio button input element that is used to present mutually exclusive options.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RadioButton(String, Object, Boolean, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a radio button input element that is used to present mutually exclusive options.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RadioButton(String, Object, Boolean, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a radio button input element that is used to present mutually exclusive options.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RadioButton(String, Object, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a radio button input element that is used to present mutually exclusive options.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RadioButton(String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a radio button input element that is used to present mutually exclusive options.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderAction(String)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method and renders the result inline in the parent view.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderAction(String, Object)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method using the specified parameters and renders the result inline in the parent view.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderAction(String, RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method using the specified parameters and renders the result inline in the parent view.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderAction(String, String)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method using the specified controller name and renders the result inline in the parent view.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderAction(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method using the specified parameters and controller name and renders the result inline in the parent view.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderAction(String, String, RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. Invokes the specified child action method using the specified parameters and controller name and renders the result inline in the parent view.(Defined by ChildActionExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderPartial(String)

Overloaded. Renders the specified partial view by using the specified HTML helper.(Defined by RenderPartialExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderPartial(String, Object)

Overloaded. Renders the specified partial view, passing it a copy of the current ViewDataDictionary object, but with the Model property set to the specified model.(Defined by RenderPartialExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderPartial(String, Object, ViewDataDictionary)

Overloaded. Renders the specified partial view, replacing the partial view's ViewData property with the specified ViewDataDictionary object and setting the Model property of the view data to the specified model.(Defined by RenderPartialExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RenderPartial(String, ViewDataDictionary)

Overloaded. Renders the specified partial view, replacing its ViewData property with the specified ViewDataDictionary object.(Defined by RenderPartialExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, Object)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, String)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, String, RouteValueDictionary)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, String, String, String, String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod RouteLink(String, String, String, String, String, RouteValueDictionary, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. (Defined by LinkExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextArea(String)

Overloaded. Returns the specified textarea element by using the specified HTML helper and the name of the form field.(Defined by TextAreaExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextArea(String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns the specified textarea element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the specified HTML attributes.(Defined by TextAreaExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextArea(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns the specified textarea element by using the specified HTML helper and HTML attributes.(Defined by TextAreaExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextArea(String, String)

Overloaded. Returns the specified textarea element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the text content.(Defined by TextAreaExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextArea(String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns the specified textarea element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the text content, and the specified HTML attributes.(Defined by TextAreaExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextArea(String, String, Int32, Int32, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns the specified textarea element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the text content, the number of rows and columns, and the specified HTML attributes.(Defined by TextAreaExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextArea(String, String, Int32, Int32, Object)

Overloaded. Returns the specified textarea element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the text content, the number of rows and columns, and the specified HTML attributes.(Defined by TextAreaExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextArea(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns the specified textarea element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the text content, and the specified HTML attributes.(Defined by TextAreaExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextBox(String)

Overloaded. Returns a text input element by using the specified HTML helper and the name of the form field.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextBox(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a text input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, and the value.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextBox(String, Object, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a text input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the value, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextBox(String, Object, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a text input element by using the specified HTML helper, the name of the form field, the value, and the HTML attributes.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextBox(String, Object, String)

Overloaded. Returns a text input element.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextBox(String, Object, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns a text input element.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TextBox(String, Object, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns a text input element.(Defined by InputExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Validate(String)

Retrieves the validation metadata for the specified model and applies each rule to the data field.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified field in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified field in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, IDictionary<String, Object>, String)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified entry in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, Object)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified field in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, Object, String)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified entry in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, String)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified field in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified field in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>, String)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified entry in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, String, Object)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified field in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, String, Object, String)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified entry in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationMessage(String, String, String)

Overloaded. Displays a validation message if an error exists for the specified entry in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary()

Overloaded. Returns an unordered list (ul element) of validation messages that are in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(Boolean)

Overloaded. Returns an unordered list (ul element) of validation messages that are in the ModelStateDictionary object and optionally displays only model-level errors.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(Boolean, String)

Overloaded. Returns an unordered list (ul element) of validation messages that are in the ModelStateDictionary object and optionally displays only model-level errors.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(Boolean, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns an unordered list (ul element) of validation messages that are in the ModelStateDictionary object and optionally displays only model-level errors.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(Boolean, String, IDictionary<String, Object>, String)

Overloaded. (Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(Boolean, String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an unordered list (ul element) of validation messages that are in the ModelStateDictionary object and optionally displays only model-level errors.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(Boolean, String, Object, String)

Overloaded. (Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(Boolean, String, String)

Overloaded. (Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(String)

Overloaded. Returns an unordered list (ul element) of validation messages that are in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Overloaded. Returns an unordered list (ul element) of validation messages that are in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(String, IDictionary<String, Object>, String)

Overloaded. (Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(String, Object)

Overloaded. Returns an unordered list (ul element) of validation messages in the ModelStateDictionary object.(Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(String, Object, String)

Overloaded. (Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValidationSummary(String, String)

Overloaded. (Defined by ValidationExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Value(String)

Overloaded. Provides a mechanism to create custom HTML markup compatible with the ASP.NET MVC model binders and templates.(Defined by ValueExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Value(String, String)

Overloaded. Provides a mechanism to create custom HTML markup compatible with the ASP.NET MVC model binders and templates.(Defined by ValueExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValueForModel()

Overloaded. Provides a mechanism to create custom HTML markup compatible with the ASP.NET MVC model binders and templates.(Defined by ValueExtensions.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ValueForModel(String)

Overloaded. Provides a mechanism to create custom HTML markup compatible with the ASP.NET MVC model binders and templates.(Defined by ValueExtensions.)

See Also

HtmlHelper Class
System.Web.Mvc Namespace

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