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Microsoft.Web.Mvc.Resources Namespace


Provides class for MVC resources.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass AjaxHelperExtensions

Represents the extensions for rendering HTML in AJAX scenarios within a view.

System_CAPS_pubclass AtomEntryActionResult

Represents an ActionResult that can render a SyndicationItem to the Atom 1.0 entry format.

System_CAPS_pubclass AtomFeedActionResult

Represents an ActionResult that can render a SyndicationFeed to the Atom 1.0 feed format.

System_CAPS_pubclass AtomServiceDocumentActionResult

Represents an ActionResult that can render a ServiceDocument to the Atom 1.0 ServiceDocument format.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataContractJsonActionResult

Represents an ActionResult that can render an object to the json format using the DataContractJsonSerializer.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataContractXmlActionResult

Represents an ActionResult that can render an object to the xml format using the DataContractSerializer.

System_CAPS_pubclass DefaultFormatHelper

Represents the default implementation of FormatHelper The results for GetRequestFormat() and GetResponseFormats() are cached on the HttpContext.Items dictionary: HttpContext.Items["requestFormat"] HttpContext.Items["responseFormat"].

System_CAPS_pubclass DefaultFormatManager

Represents the default implementation of Format manager.

System_CAPS_pubclass FormatHelper

Base class for content negotiation support

System_CAPS_pubclass FormatManager

Represents the class that maintains a registration of handlers for request and response formats

System_CAPS_pubclass HtmlHelperExtensions

Represents the HTML encoding helper extensions.

System_CAPS_pubclass HttpRequestBaseExtensions

Represents the HttpRequestBase extension methods that call directly into the DefaultFormatHelper.

System_CAPS_pubclass IEnumerableExtensions

Encapsulates functionality used to extend the IEnumerable{T} implementation.

System_CAPS_pubclass JsonFormatHandler

Represents the JSON mechanism for serializing request in additional formats.

System_CAPS_pubclass MultiFormatActionResult

Returns the response in the format specified by the request. By default, supports returning the model as a HTML view, XML and JSON. If the response format requested is not supported, then the NotAcceptable status code is returned.

System_CAPS_pubclass RequestContextExtensions

Represents the RequestContext extension methods that call directly into the registered FormatHelper.

System_CAPS_pubclass ResourceControllerFactory

Specialized ControllerFactory that augments the base controller factory to make it RESTful - specifically, adding support for multiple formats, HTTP method based dispatch to controller methods and HTTP error handling.

System_CAPS_pubclass ResourceErrorActionResult

Represents an action result for returning HTTP errors that result from performing operations on resources, including an optional detail in the HTTP body.

System_CAPS_pubclass ResourceModelBinder

Represents the ModelBinder implementation that augments the inner model binder with support for binding to other formats - XML and JSON by default.

System_CAPS_pubclass RouteCollectionExtensions

Extends a RouteCollection object for MVC routing.

System_CAPS_pubclass UriHelperExtensions

Represents the route URL for the UriHelperExtensions.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebApiEnabledAttribute

Represents the attribute indicating that the controller supports multiple formats (HTML, XML, JSON etc), HTTP method based dispatch and HTTP error handling.

System_CAPS_pubclass XmlFormatHandler

Represents the XML mechanism for serializing request in additional formats.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IRequestFormatHandler

Represents the extensibility mechanism for deserializing data in additional formats. FormatManager.Current.RequestFormatHandlers contains the list of request formats supported by the web application.

System_CAPS_pubinterface IResponseFormatHandler

Represents the extensibility mechanism for serializing response in additional formats. FormatManager.Current.RequestFormatHandlers contains the list of request formats supported by the web application.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum ActionType

This enum is used by the UrlHelper extension methods to create links within resource controllers.

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