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Json.Decode<T> Method (String)

Converts data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format into the specified strongly typed data list.

Namespace:  System.Web.Helpers
Assembly:  System.Web.Helpers (in System.Web.Helpers.dll)


Public Shared Function Decode(Of T) ( _
    value As String _
) As T
Dim value As String 
Dim returnValue As T

returnValue = Json.Decode(value)
public static T Decode<T>(
    string value
generic<typename T>
static T Decode(
    String^ value
static member Decode : 
        value:string -> 'T 
JScript does not support generic types and methods.

Type Parameters

  • T
    The type of the strongly typed list to convert JSON data into.


Return Value

Type: T
The JSON-encoded data converted to a strongly typed list.

See Also


Json Class

Decode Overload

System.Web.Helpers Namespace