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Delta.TryGetPropertyValue Method (String, Object)


Attempts to get the value of the Property called name from the underlying Entity.


Only properties that exist on Entity can be retrieved. Both modified and unmodified properties can be retrieved.

Namespace:   System.Web.OData
Assembly:  System.Web.OData (in System.Web.OData.dll)


public abstract bool TryGetPropertyValue(
    string name,
    out object value
virtual bool TryGetPropertyValue(
    String^ name,
    [OutAttribute] Object^% value
) abstract
abstract TryGetPropertyValue : 
        name:string *
        value:Object byref -> bool
Public MustOverride Function TryGetPropertyValue (
    name As String,
    <OutAttribute> ByRef value As Object
) As Boolean


Return Value

Type: System.Boolean

True if the Property was found


IDelta.TryGetPropertyValue(String, Object)

See Also

Delta Class
System.Web.OData Namespace

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