Product templates in Azure API Management
Azure API Management provides you the ability to customize the content of developer portal pages using a set of templates that configure their content. Using DotLiquid syntax and the editor of your choice, such as DotLiquid for Designers, and a provided set of localized String resources, Glyph resources, and Page controls, you have great flexibility to configure the content of the pages as you see fit using these templates.
The templates in this section allow you to customize the content of the product pages in the developer portal.
Sample default templates are included in the following documentation, but are subject to change due to continuous improvements. You can view the live default templates in the developer portal by navigating to the desired individual templates. For more information about working with templates, see How to customize the API Management developer portal using templates.
The following documentation content is about the deprecated developer portal. You can continue to use it, as per usual, until its retirement in October 2023, when it will be removed from all API Management services. The deprecated portal will only receive critical security updates. Refer to the following articles for more details:
This feature is available in the Premium, Standard, Basic, and Developer tiers of API Management.
For feature availability in the v2 tiers (preview), see the v2 tiers overview.
The Product list template allows you to customize the body of the product list page in the developer portal.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-9">
<h2>{% localized "ProductsStrings|PageTitleProducts" %}</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
{% if products.size > 0 %}
<ul class="list-unstyled">
{% for product in products %}
<h3><a href="/products/{{}}">{{product.title}}</a></h3>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% localized "CommonResources|NoItemsToDisplay" %}
{% endif %}
The Product list
template may use the following page controls.
Property | Type | Description |
Paging | Paging entity. | The paging information for the products collection. |
Filtering | Filtering entity. | The filtering information for the products list page. |
Products | Collection of Product entities. | The products visible to the current user. |
"Paging": {
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 10,
"TotalItemCount": 2,
"ShowAll": false,
"PageCount": 1
"Filtering": {
"Pattern": null,
"Placeholder": "Search products"
"Products": [
"Id": "56f9445ffaf7560049060001",
"Title": "Starter",
"Description": "Subscribers will be able to run 5 calls/minute up to a maximum of 100 calls/week.",
"Terms": "",
"ProductState": 1,
"AllowMultipleSubscriptions": false,
"MultipleSubscriptionsCount": 1
"Id": "56f9445ffaf7560049060002",
"Title": "Unlimited",
"Description": "Subscribers have completely unlimited access to the API. Administrator approval is required.",
"Terms": null,
"ProductState": 1,
"AllowMultipleSubscriptions": false,
"MultipleSubscriptionsCount": 1
The Product template allows you to customize the body of the product page in the developer portal.
{% assign replaceString0 = '{0}' %}
{% if Limits and Limits.size > 0 %}
<h3>{% localized "ProductDetailsStrings|WebProductsUsageLimitsHeader"%}</h3>
{% for limit in Limits %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if apis.size > 0 %}
{% if apis.size == 1 %}
{% capture apisCountText %}{% localized "ProductDetailsStrings|TextblockSingleApisCount" %}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture apisCountText %}{% localized "ProductDetailsStrings|TextblockMultipleApisCount" %}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% capture apisCount %}{{apis.size}}{% endcapture %}
{{ apisCountText | replace : replaceString0, apisCount }}
{% for api in Apis %}
<a href="/docs/services/{{api.Id}}">{{api.Name}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if subscriptions.size > 0 %}
{% if subscriptions.size == 1 %}
{% capture subscriptionsCountText %}{% localized "ProductDetailsStrings|TextblockSingleSubscriptionsCount" %}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture subscriptionsCountText %}{% localized "ProductDetailsStrings|TextblockMultipleSubscriptionsCount" %}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% capture subscriptionsCount %}{{subscriptions.size}}{% endcapture %}
{{ subscriptionsCountText | replace : replaceString0, subscriptionsCount }}
{% for subscription in subscriptions %}
<a href="/developer#{{subscription.Id}}">{{subscription.DisplayName}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if CannotAddBecauseSubscriptionNumberLimitReached %}
<b>{% localized "ProductDetailsStrings|TextblockSubscriptionLimitReached" %}</b>
{% elsif CannotAddBecauseMultipleSubscriptionsNotAllowed == false %}
{% endif %}
The Product list
template may use the following page controls.
Property | Type | Description |
Product | Product | The specified product. |
IsDeveloperSubscribed | boolean | Whether the current user is subscribed to this product. |
SubscriptionState | number | The state of the subscription. Possible states are: - 0 - suspended – the subscription is blocked, and the subscriber cannot call any APIs of the product.- 1 - active – the subscription is active.- 2 - expired – the subscription reached its expiration date and was deactivated.- 3 - submitted – the subscription request has been made by the developer, but has not yet been approved or rejected.- 4 - rejected – the subscription request has been denied by an administrator.- 5 - cancelled – the subscription has been canceled by the developer or administrator. |
Limits | array | This property is deprecated and should not be used. |
DelegatedSubscriptionEnabled | boolean | Whether delegation is enabled for this subscription. |
DelegatedSubscriptionUrl | string | If delegation is enabled, the delegated subscription URL. |
IsAgreed | boolean | If the product has terms, whether the current user has agreed to the terms. |
Subscriptions | Collection of Subscription summary entities. | The subscriptions to the product. |
Apis | Collection of API entities. | The APIs in this product. |
CannotAddBecauseSubscriptionNumberLimitReached | boolean | Whether the current user is eligible to subscribe to this product with regard to the subscription limit. |
CannotAddBecauseMultipleSubscriptionsNotAllowed | boolean | Whether the current user is eligible to subscribe to this product with regard to multiple subscriptions being allowed or not. |
"Product": {
"Id": "56f9445ffaf7560049060001",
"Title": "Starter",
"Description": "Subscribers will be able to run 5 calls/minute up to a maximum of 100 calls/week.",
"Terms": "",
"ProductState": 1,
"AllowMultipleSubscriptions": false,
"MultipleSubscriptionsCount": 1
"IsDeveloperSubscribed": true,
"SubscriptionState": 1,
"Limits": [],
"DelegatedSubscriptionEnabled": false,
"DelegatedSubscriptionUrl": null,
"IsAgreed": false,
"Subscriptions": [
"Id": "56f9445ffaf7560049070001",
"DisplayName": "Starter (default)"
"Apis": [
"id": "56f9445ffaf7560049040001",
"name": "Echo API",
"description": null,
"serviceUrl": "",
"path": "echo",
"protocols": [
"authenticationSettings": null,
"subscriptionKeyParameterNames": null
"CannotAddBecauseSubscriptionNumberLimitReached": false,
"CannotAddBecauseMultipleSubscriptionsNotAllowed": true
For more information about working with templates, see How to customize the API Management developer portal using templates.