Update a customer's billing profile

Learn how to update a customer's billing information. You can use one of the following options:

  • Partner Center web UI
  • PowerShell
  • C#

Partner Center web UI

  1. In Microsoft Partner Center, on the Dashboard menu, select Customers. Then, select a customer.

  2. On the customer menu, select Account, and then select Update.

    Select Account, and then select Update

  3. After you've made your changes, select Submit.

    Select the Submit button


$customer = Get-PCCustomer -TenantId '<customer identifier>'

$customerBillingProfile = Get-PCCustomerBillingProfile -TenantId $customer.id

$customerBillingProfile.FirstName = '<first name>'
$customerBillingProfile.LastName = '<last name>'
$customerBillingProfile.Email = '<email>'

Set-PCCustomerBillingProfile -TenantId $customer.id -BillingProfile $customerBillingProfile


  1. Retrieve the billing profile. Update the properties as needed.
  2. Retrieve your IPartner.Customers collection, and then call the ById() method.
  3. Call the Profiles property, followed by the Billing property.
  4. Call the Update() or the UpdateAsync() method.
// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;
// var selectedCustomerId as string;

var billingProfile = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(selectedCustomerId).Profiles.Billing.Get();

// Apply changes to profile;

billingProfile = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(selectedCustomerId).Profiles.Billing.Update(billingProfile);



Request syntax

Method Request URI
PUT {baseURL}/v1/customers/{customer-tenant-id}/profiles/billing HTTP/1.1

URI parameter

Use the query parameter in the following table to update the billing profile.

Name Type Description
customer-tenant-id guid The value is a GUID-format customer tenant ID. The reseller can use customer-tenant-id to filter the results for a specific customer.

If-Match: An HTML entity tag (ETag) is required for concurrency detection.

Request example

PUT https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com/v1/customers/<customer-tenant-id>/profiles/billing HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: ff85f13a-eb65-4b8e-9b67-05beb0565410
MS-CorrelationId: ff1b757d-cfaf-463a-b48b-0f96d05e95d7
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 639
Expect: 100-continue

    "Id": "a58ceba5-60ac-48e4-a0bc-2a855811807a",
    "FirstName": "FirstName",
    "LastName": "LastName",
    "Email": "email@sample.com",
    "Culture": "en-US",
    "Language": "en",
    "CompanyName": "CompanyName",
    "DefaultAddress": {
        "Country": "US",
        "Region": null,
        "City": "Redmond",
        "State": "WA",
        "AddressLine1": "One Microsoft Way",
        "AddressLine2": null,
        "PostalCode": "98052",
        "FirstName": "FirstName",
        "LastName": "LastName",
        "PhoneNumber": "4255555555"
    "Links": {
        "Self": {
            "Uri": "/v1/customers/<customer-tenant-id>/profiles/billing",
            "Method": "GET",
            "Headers": []
    "Attributes": {
        "Etag": "<etag>",
        "ObjectType": "CustomerBillingProfile"


If the request is successful, this method returns updated properties for Profile resources in the response body. This call requires an ETag for concurrency detection.

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1210
Content-Type: application/json
MS-CorrelationId: ff1b757d-cfaf-463a-b48b-0f96d05e95d7
MS-RequestId: ff85f13a-eb65-4b8e-9b67-05beb0565410
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 18:20:43 GMT

    "id": "a58ceba5-60ac-48e4-a0bc-2a855811807a",
    "firstName": "FirstName",
    "lastName": "LastName",
    "email": "email@sample.com",
    "culture": "en-US",
    "language": "en",
    "companyName": "companyName",
    "defaultAddress": {
        "country": "US",
        "city": "Redmond",
        "state": "WA",
        "addressLine1": "One Microsoft Way",
        "postalCode": "98052",
        "firstName": "FirstName",
        "lastName": "LastName",
        "phoneNumber": "4255555555"
    "links": {
        "self": {
            "uri": "/v1/customers/<customer-tenant-id>/profiles/billing",
            "method": "GET",
            "headers": []
    "attributes": {
        "etag": "<etag>",
        "objectType": "CustomerBillingProfile"

Next steps