Search for customers

This guide covers the automated API and web UI methods that are available for searching through your list of customers. The methods include isolating specific customers, applying search filters, and retrieving a bulk list of customers.

Web UI

Search for a customer by using the search filter

  1. On the Microsoft Partner Center Dashboard menu, select Customers.
  2. To search for a customer, enter the customer name or domain name in the search box.
  3. To view the customer's Microsoft ID, associated subscriptions, and services quick links, select the down arrow at the right of the customer row.

Get a list of all customers

  1. On the Dashboard menu, select Customers.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To filter for the subset of data that you want to export, use the search filter, and then select Export customers.

    • To export the entire customer list, leave the search field blank, and then select Export customers.

      The "Export customers" link

    • Indirect providers: You can filter your customer list by indirect reseller. To do so, select Filter by indirect reseller from the list, and then select a reseller.

Partner Center converts the complete customer list into a .csv file and then uploads it to the default download folder on your computer. The data columns include the following:

  • Microsoft ID
  • Company name
  • Primary domain name
  • Relationship: The partner's business relationship with each listed customer


Get a customer by ID

To find a customer by ID, enter the following command:

$customer = Get-PCCustomer -TenantId '<customer identifier>'

Get a list of all customers

To get a list of all customers, enter the following command:



Get a customer by ID

To get a customer by ID, use your IAggregatePartner.Customers collection, call the ById() method, then call the Get() or GetAsync() method.

// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;
// string customerIdToRetrieve;

Customer customerInfo = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(customerIdToRetrieve).Get();

Get customers by search filter

To get a collection of customers that match a filter, do the following:

  1. To create the filter, instantiate a SimpleFieldFilter object.

  2. To pass a string that contains the CustomerSearchField and indicate the type of filter operation, choose the FiledFilterOperation enumeration.

  3. To instantiate an iQuery object to pass to the query, call the BuildSimpleQuery method.
    Now it's time to execute the filter and get the result.

  4. To get an interface to the partner's customer operations, use IAggregatePartner.Customers.

  5. Call the Query or QueryAsync method.

    IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;
    // Specify the partial string to filter by (to match Contoso).
    string searchPrefix = "cont"  
    // Create a simple field filter.
    var fieldFilter = new SimpleFieldFilter(
    // Create an iQuery object to pass to the Query method.
    var myQuery = QueryFactory.Instance.BuildSimpleQuery(fieldFilter);
    // Get the collection of matching customers.
    var customers = partnerOperations.Customers.Query(myQuery);

Get a list of all customers

To get a list of all customers, do the following:

  1. To create an IPartner object, use your IAggregatePartner.Customers collection.
  2. Retrieve the customer list by using the Query() or QueryAsync() method. For instructions on creating a query, see the QueryFactory class.
// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;

var allCustomers = new List<Customer>();

// All the operations executed on this partner operation instance will share the same correlation Id but will differ in request Id
IPartner scopedPartnerOperations = partnerOperations.With(RequestContextFactory.Instance.Create(Guid.NewGuid()));

// Read customers into chunks of 40s
var customersBatch = scopedPartnerOperations.Customers.Query(QueryFactory.Instance.BuildIndexedQuery(40));
var customersEnumerator = scopedPartnerOperations.Enumerators.Customers.Create(customersBatch);


Get a customer by ID

Request syntax

Method Request URL
GET {baseURL}/v1/customers/{customer-tenant-id} HTTP/1.1

URL parameter

To get a specific customer, use the following query parameter:

Name Type Description
customer-tenant-id guid The value is a GUID-formatted string that lets the reseller filter the results to find a specific customer that belongs to the reseller.

Request example

GET<customer-tenant-id> HTTP/1.1  
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-CorrelationId: a176c585-b5de-4d65-824c-67a6deb45cd9  
MS-RequestId: 74ca1db9-df92-41c6-a362-a16433b0542b  

If the request is successful, this method returns a customer resource in the response body.

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1530
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: a176c585-b5de-4d65-824c-67a6deb45cd9
MS-RequestId: 74ca1db9-df92-41c6-a362-a16433b0542b
  "id": "eebd1b55-5360-4438-a11d-5c06918c3014",
  "commerceId": "99e6a635-48e7-424d-9059-c9db944e3c54",
  "companyProfile": {
    "tenantId": "eebd1b55-5360-4438-a11d-5c06918c3014",
    "domain": "",
    "companyName": "Fabrikam",
    "address": {
      "country": "US",
      "region": "wa",
      "city": "redmond",
      "addressLine1": "1 ms way",
      "postalCode": "98052",
      "phoneNumber": "1234567890"
    "email": "",
    "links": {
      "self": {
        "uri": "/customers/eebd1b55-5360-4438-a11d-5c06918c3014/profiles/company",
        "method": "GET",
        "headers": [

    "attributes": {
      "objectType": "CustomerCompanyProfile"
  "billingProfile": {
    "id": "eeada110-69d6-4cc9-b093-75feb7ca9d3f",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "culture": "en-US",
    "language": "en",
    "companyName": "Fabrikam",
    "defaultAddress": {
      "country": "US",
      "city": "Redmond",
      "state": "WA",
      "addressLine1": "1 Microsoft Way",
      "postalCode": "98052",
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "phoneNumber": "1234567890"
    "links": {
      "self": {
        "uri": "/customers/eebd1b55-5360-4438-a11d-5c06918c3014/profiles/billing",
        "method": "GET",
        "headers": [
    "attributes": {
      "etag": "-4242348048554929329",
      "objectType": "CustomerBillingProfile"
  "relationshipToPartner": "reseller",
  "allowDelegatedAccess": true,
  "customDomains": [
  "links": {
    "self": {
      "uri": "/customers/eebd1b55-5360-4438-a11d-5c06918c3014",
      "method": "GET",
      "headers": [

  "attributes": {
    "objectType": "Customer"

Get customers by using the search filter

Request syntax

Method Request URI
GET {baseURI}/v1/customers?size={size}&filter={filter} HTTP/1.1

URL parameters

Name Type Description
size int Optional. The number of results to be displayed at one time.
filter filter The filter to apply to customers. This filter must be an encoded string.

Filter syntax

Compose the filter parameter as a series of comma-separated, key/value pairs. Each key and value must be individually quoted and separated by a colon. The entire filter must be encoded.

An unencoded example looks like this: ?filter{"Field":"CompanyName","Value":"cont","Operator":"starts_with"}

The following table describes the key/value pairs:

Key Value
Field The field to filter. You can find the valid values in CustomerSearchField.
Value The value to filter by. Ignore the case of the value.
Operator The operator to apply. You can find the valid operators in FieldFilterOperation.

Request example

Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: 5ce66de5-eea9-486f-a11c-c852aa3d1502
MS-CorrelationId: a2a912ee-d595-47e2-97ae-1b0ae1efa13d
X-Locale: en-US
Connection: Keep-Alive

If the request is successful, this method returns a collection of matching customer resources in the response body.

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1839
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: a2a912ee-d595-47e2-97ae-1b0ae1efa13d
MS-RequestId: dfeda56c-1af5-43fc-a9c0-346b9e85dc96
MS-CV: n0lMNyJtaUC802pO.0
MS-ServerId: 202010223
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2017 22:08:20 GMT

    "totalCount": 3,
    "items": [{
            "id": "c5757d70-06f3-4f23-8367-5a9e55019f94",
            "companyProfile": {
                "tenantId": "c5757d70-06f3-4f23-8367-5a9e55019f94",
                "domain": "",
                "companyName": "Contoso190",
                "links": {
                    "self": {
                        "uri": "/customers/c5757d70-06f3-4f23-8367-5a9e55019f94/profiles/company",
                        "method": "GET",
                        "headers": []
                "attributes": {
                    "objectType": "CustomerCompanyProfile"
            "relationshipToPartner": "reseller",
            "links": {
                "self": {
                    "uri": "/customers/c5757d70-06f3-4f23-8367-5a9e55019f94",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "headers": []
            "attributes": {
                "objectType": "Customer"
        }, {
            "id": "7b26b357-9ca3-48b8-a58e-4febe2662a5d",
            "companyProfile": {
                "tenantId": "7b26b357-9ca3-48b8-a58e-4febe2662a5d",
                "domain": "",
                "companyName": "Contoso",
                "links": {
                    "self": {
                        "uri": "/customers/7b26b357-9ca3-48b8-a58e-4febe2662a5d/profiles/company",
                        "method": "GET",
                        "headers": []
                "attributes": {
                    "objectType": "CustomerCompanyProfile"
            "relationshipToPartner": "reseller",
            "links": {
                "self": {
                    "uri": "/customers/7b26b357-9ca3-48b8-a58e-4febe2662a5d",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "headers": []
            "attributes": {
                "objectType": "Customer"
        }, {
            "id": "bfbd6ef0-311f-47ec-bbd7-0fcb7846661b",
            "companyProfile": {
                "tenantId": "bfbd6ef0-311f-47ec-bbd7-0fcb7846661b",
                "domain": "",
                "companyName": "Contoso",
                "links": {
                    "self": {
                        "uri": "/customers/bfbd6ef0-311f-47ec-bbd7-0fcb7846661b/profiles/company",
                        "method": "GET",
                        "headers": []
                "attributes": {
                    "objectType": "CustomerCompanyProfile"
            "relationshipToPartner": "reseller",
            "links": {
                "self": {
                    "uri": "/customers/bfbd6ef0-311f-47ec-bbd7-0fcb7846661b",
                    "method": "GET",
                    "headers": []
            "attributes": {
                "objectType": "Customer"
    "links": {
        "self": {
            "uri": "/customers?size=0&filter=%7B%22Field%22%3A%22Domain%22%2C%22Value%22%3A%22cont%22%2C%22Operator%22%3A%22starts_with%22%7D",
            "method": "GET",
            "headers": []
    "attributes": {
        "objectType": "Collection"

Get a list of all customers

Request syntax

Method Request URI
GET {baseURL}/v1/customers?size={size} HTTP/1.1

URI parameter

To get a list of customers, use the following query parameter:

Name Type Description
size int The number of results to be displayed at one time.

Request example

Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: 3705fc6d-4127-4a87-bdba-9658f73fe019
MS-CorrelationId: b12260fb-82de-4701-a25f-dcd367690645

If the request is successful, this method returns a collection of customer resources in the response body.

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 15650
Content-Type: application/json
MS-CorrelationId: b12260fb-82de-4701-a25f-dcd367690645
MS-RequestId: 3705fc6d-4127-4a87-bdba-9658f73fe019
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 01:08:23 GMT

    "totalCount": 25,
    "items": [{
        "id": "b44bb1fb-c595-45b0-9e09-d657365580bf",
        "companyProfile": {
            "tenantId": "<guid>",
            "domain": "domain",
            "companyName": "companyName",
            "attributes": {
                "objectType": "CustomerCompanyProfile"
        "relationshipToPartner": "reseller",
        "attributes": {
            "objectType": "Customer"
        "id": "45c44870-ef77-4fdd-b6fe-3dacb075cff2",
        "companyProfile": {
            "tenantId": "<guid>",
            "domain": "domain",
            "companyName": "companyName",
            "attributes": {
                "objectType": "CustomerCompanyProfile"
        "relationshipToPartner": "reseller",
        "attributes": {
            "objectType": "Customer"
    "links": {
        "self": {
            "uri": "/v1/customers?size=40",
            "method": "GET",
            "headers": []
    "attributes": {
        "objectType": "Collection"

Next steps