Reset a user password

Learn how to reset a user password for a customer, if you need to. You can use one of the following options:

  • Partner Center web UI
  • PowerShell
  • C#


This task is not the same as resetting a user password in Microsoft Partner Center.

Partner Center web UI

  1. In Partner Center, on the Dashboard menu, select Customers. Select the customer.

  2. On the customer menu, select Users and licenses. Select the user.

    Under Users and licenses, select the user

  3. Select Reset password.

    Select Reset password

  4. You are redirected to the Password has been reset page (it might take a few minutes). Send the new, temporary password to the user.

    The Password has been reset page


$customer = Get-PCCustomer -TenantId '<customer identifier>'

$user = Get-PCCustomerUser -TenantId $ -UserId '<user identifier>'

$password = '<password>'
$passwordSecure = $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force

Set-PCCustomerUser -TenantId $ -User $user -Password $passwordSecure -ForceChangePassword $true


  1. Retrieve the specified customer ID and the targeted user.
  2. Create a new CustomerUser object that contains the information for the existing customer, but with a new PasswordProfile object.
  3. Use your IAggregatePartner.Customers collection and call the ById() method.
  4. Call the Users property, the ById() method, and then the Patch() method.
// string selectedCustomerId;
// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;
// CustomerUser specifiedUser;

var selectedCustomer = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(selectedCustomerId).Get();
var userToUpdate = new CustomerUser()
      PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile() { ForceChangePassword = true, Password = "newPassword" },
      DisplayName = "User name",
      FirstName = "First",
      LastName = "Last",
      UsageLocation = "US",
      UserPrincipalName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") + "@" + selectedCustomer.CompanyProfile.Domain.ToString()

// Update customer user information.
User updatedCustomerUserInfo = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(selectedCustomerId).Users.ById(specifiedUser.Id).Patch(userToUpdate);



Request syntax

Method Request URI
PATCH {baseURL}/v1/customers/{customer-tenant-id}/users HTTP/1.1

URI parameters

The following query parameters are required for identifying the correct customer.

Name Type Description
customer-tenant-id guid A GUID-format customer tenant ID. The reseller can use the customer tenant ID to filter results for a specific customer that is associated with the reseller.
user-id guid A GUID-format user ID that belongs to a single user account.

Request example

PATCH<customer-tenant-id>/users/<user-id> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: b1317092-f087-471e-a637-f66523b2b94c
MS-CorrelationId: 8a53b025-d5be-4d98-ab20-229d1813de76
        password: "Renew456*",
        forceChangePassword: true

      "attributes": {
        "objectType": "CustomerUser"


If the request is successful, this method returns the user information and the updated password.

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 31942
Content-Type: application/json
MS-CorrelationId: 8a53b025-d5be-4d98-ab20-229d1813de76
MS-RequestId: b1317092-f087-471e-a637-f66523b2b94c
Date: June 24 2016 22:00:25 PST
  "usageLocation": "AX",
  "id": "95794928-9abe-4548-8b43-50ffc20b9404",
  "userPrincipalName": "",
  "firstName": "First",
  "lastName": "Last",
  "displayName": "User name",
  "passwordProfile": {
    "forceChangePassword": false,
    "password": "Renew456*"
  "lastDirectorySyncTime": null,
  "userDomainType": "none",
  "state": "active",
  "softDeletionTime": null,
  "links": {
    "self": {
      "uri": "/customers/eebd1b55-5360-4438-a11d-5c06918c3014/users/95794928-9abe-4548-8b43-50ffc20b9404",
      "method": "GET",
      "headers": [

  "attributes": {
    "objectType": "CustomerUser"

Next steps