Update a subscription nickname

Learn how to update the nickname for a subscription. Subscription nicknames help create common terminology between the provider and the customer. They also help differentiate between subscriptions in a customer's account. To update a subscription nickname, you can use one of the following options:

  • Partner Center web UI
  • PowerShell
  • C#

Partner Center web UI

  1. In Microsoft Partner Center, on the Dashboard menu, select Customer. Select the customer.

  2. Select Subscriptions, and then select the subscription.

  3. Under Details, in the Subscription nickname box, enter the new nickname for the subscription. Then, select Submit.

    Rename the subscription, then click Submit


$customer = Get-PCCustomer -TenantId '<customer identifier>'
$subscription = Get-PCSubscription -TenantId $customer.id | Where-Object {$_.FriendlyName -eq 'old friendly name'}
$subscription | Set-PCSubscription -TenantId $customer.id -FriendlyName '<friendly name>'


  1. Get the subscription.
  2. Change the subscription's FriendlyName property.
  3. Use your IPartner.Customers collection and call the ById() method.
  4. Call the Subscriptions property, followed by the ById() method, and then the Patch() method.
// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;
// var SelectedcustomerId as string;

ResourceCollection<Subscription> customerSubscriptions = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(selectedCustomerId).Subscriptions.Get();
Subscription selectedSubscription = customerSubscriptions.Items.FirstOrDefault(sub => sub.Status == SubscriptionStatus.Active);

// Apply changes to the subscription.

var updatedSubscription = partnerOperations.Customers.ById(selectedCustomerId).Subscriptions.ById(selectedSubscription.Id).Patch(selectedSubscription);



Request syntax

Method Request URI
PATCH {baseURL}/v1/customers/{customer-tenant-id}/subscriptions/{id-for-subscription} HTTP/1.1

URI parameters

The following query parameters are required for updating the subscription nickname.

Name Type Description
customer-tenant-id guid A GUID that represents the customer.
id-for-subscription guid A GUID that represents the subscription.

Request body

A full Subscription resource is required in the request body. Ensure that the FriendlyName property has been updated.

Request example

PATCH https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com/v1/customers/<customer-tenant-id>/subscriptions/<subscriptionID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: ca7c39f7-1a80-43bc-90d8-ee7d1cad3831
MS-CorrelationId: ec8f62e5-1d92-47e9-8d5d-1924af105f2c
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1029
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive

    "Id": "<subscriptionID>",
    "FriendlyName": "nickname",
    "Quantity": 2,
    "UnitType": "none",
    "ParentSubscriptionId": null,
    "CreationDate": "2015-11-25T06:41:12Z",
    "EffectiveStartDate": "2015-11-24T08:00:00Z",
    "CommitmentEndDate": "2016-12-12T08:00:00Z",
    "Status": "active",
    "AutoRenewEnabled": false,
    "BillingType": "none",
    "PartnerId": null,
    "ContractType": "subscription",
    OrderId": "6183db3d-6318-4e52-877e-25806e4971be",
    "Attributes": {
        "Etag": "<etag>",
        "ObjectType": "Subscription"


If the request was successful, this method returns updated Subscription resource properties in the response body.

Response example

PATCH http://partnerapi.store.microsoft.com/v1/customers/<customer-tenant-id>/subscriptions/<subscriptionID> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-Contract-Version: v1
MS-RequestId: ca7c39f7-1a80-43bc-90d8-ee7d1cad3831
MS-CorrelationId: ec8f62e5-1d92-47e9-8d5d-1924af105f2c
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1029
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive

    "Id": "<subscriptionID>",
    "FriendlyName": "nickname",
    "Quantity": 2,
    "UnitType": "none",
    "ParentSubscriptionId": null,
    "CreationDate": "2015-11-25T06:41:12Z",
    "EffectiveStartDate": "2015-11-24T08:00:00Z",
    "CommitmentEndDate": "2016-12-12T08:00:00Z",
    "Status": "active",
    "AutoRenewEnabled": false,
    "BillingType": "none",
    "PartnerId": null,
    "ContractType": "subscription",
    "Links": {
        "Offer": {
            "Uri": "/v1/offers/0CCA44D6-68E9-4762-94EE-31ECE98783B9",
            "Method": "GET",
            "Headers": []
        "Entitlement": {
            "Uri": "/entitlements?key=<key>",
            "Method": "GET",
            "Headers": []
        "Self": {
            "Uri": "/subscriptions?key=<key>",
            "Method": "GET",
            "Headers": []
    "OrderId": "6183db3d-6318-4e52-877e-25806e4971be",
    "Attributes": {
        "Etag": "<etag>",
        "ObjectType": "Subscription"

Next steps