Validate a customer address

Learn how to validate an address by using the address validation API. You can use one of the following options:

  • PowerShell
  • C#


To validate an address by using PowerShell, you have two options. You can use this command:

$address = New-PCAddress -AddressLine1 '<string>' -AddressLine2 '<string>' -City '<string>' -State '<string>' -PostalCode '<string>' -country 'two-digit country code' -region '<string>'
Test-PCAddress -Address <DefaultAddress> 

Or, you can use this command:

Test-PCAddress -AddressLine1 '<string>' -AddressLine2 '<string>' -City '<string>' -State '<string>' -PostalCode '<string>' -country 'two-digit country code' -region '<string>'


  1. Instantiate a new Address object and populate it with the address you want to validate.
  2. Retrieve an interface for Validations operations from the IAggregatePartners.Validations property.
  3. Call the IsAddressValid method with the address object.
// Create an address to validate.
Address address = new Address()
    AddressLine1 = "One Microsoft Way",
    City = "Redmond",
    State = "WA",
    PostalCode = "98052",    
    Country = "US"

// Validate the address.
bool result = partnerOperations.Validations.IsAddressValid(address);

// If the address is valid, the result should equal true.
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result.ToString());

// The following is an example that causes address validation to fail.
    // Change to an invalid postal code for this address.
    address.PostalCode = "98007";

    // Validate the address.
    result = partnerOperations.Validations.IsAddressValid(address);

    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: The code should have thrown an exception - BadRequest(400).");
catch (PartnerException exception)
    if (exception.ErrorCategory == PartnerErrorCategory.BadInput)
        Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", exception.Message);



Request syntax

Method Request URI
POST {baseURL}/v1/validations/address HTTP/1.1

Request body

The following properties are present in the request body.

Name Type Description
addressline1 string The first line of the address.
addressline2 string (Optional) The second line of the address.
city string The city.
state string The state.
postalcode string The postal code.
country string The two-character ISO alpha-2 country code.

Request example

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token> 
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: 0b30452a-8be2-4b8b-b25b-2d4850f4345f
MS-CorrelationId: 8a853a1a-b0e6-4cb0-ae87-d6dd32ac3a0c
X-Locale: en-US
Content-Length: 129

    AddressLine1: "One Microsoft Way",
    City: "Redmond",
    State: "WA",
    PostalCode: "98052",
    Country: "US"


If the request is successful, the method returns a status code 200, as demonstrated in the success example.

If the request fails, the method returns a status code 400, as demonstrated in the failure example. The response body contains a JSON payload that has additional information about the error.

Response succeeded example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
MS-CorrelationId: 8a853a1a-b0e6-4cb0-ae87-d6dd32ac3a0c
MS-RequestId: 0b30452a-8be2-4b8b-b25b-2d4850f4345f
MS-CV: IqhjoWVyq0Kl81dO.0
MS-ServerId: 030011719
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 23:56:12 GMT

Response failed example

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Length: 418
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: 8a853a1a-b0e6-4cb0-ae87-d6dd32ac3a0c
MS-RequestId: 0b30452a-8be2-4b8b-b25b-2d4850f4345f
MS-CV: pdlItMyvtkmGHDWt.0
MS-ServerId: 101112012
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2017 01:57:55 GMT

    "code": 2007,
    "description": "{\"code\":\"60071\",\"reason\":\"ZipCityInvalid - Details: Field - 'City' is corrected from OldValue: 'Redmond' to NewValue: 'BELLEVUE'.\",\"corrected_address\":{\"country\":\"US\",\"region\":\"WA\",\"city\":\"BELLEVUE\",\"address_line1\":\"One Microsoft Way\",\"postal_code\":\"98007\"},\"object_type\":\"AddressValidation\",\"resource_status\":\"Active\"}",
    "data": [],
    "source": "PartnerFD"

Next steps