Azure CSP management options

The Azure Cloud Solution Provider (Azure CSP) model provides three ways to manage Azure CSP resources:

  • Web UI: This is a manual approach where all steps are taken through a web browser.
  • PowerShell: This is an automated approach that uses scripts.
  • REST API or managed API: This is an integrated approach that requires developer skills.

Web UI

The web UI approach is a good choice when you start your journey with Azure CSP and take all steps manually through a web browser. There are two portals that you use:

To manage a customer's Azure CSP subscription in the Azure portal, you need to use the context of the customer's tenant. There are two ways to do that:

A partner user with an AdminAgent role in Partner Center can use both methods to access the Azure portal in the context of customer's tenant. There they can see and manage the Azure CSP subscriptions that were created inside the customer's tenant (tenant directory).


If you want to automate routine Azure CSP management operations, you can write PowerShell scripts by using the following two modules:


The Partner Center PowerShell module is an open source project that's not officially supported by Microsoft.

Partner Center PowerShell cmdlets provide customer management, subscription management, and billing capabilities that are similar to those in the web UI approach. Azure Resource Manager PowerShell cmdlets make it possible for you to manage Azure services inside Azure CSP subscriptions.

Make sure your app management is already configured to enable access to the Partner Center API.

# Install the Partner Center and Azure Resource Manager modules from the PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module PartnerCenter
Install-Module AzureRM

# Get a partner's user credentials.
$credentials = Get-Credential '<username@domain>'

# Authenticate and connect to Partner Center.
Connect-PartnerCenter -ApplicationId '<Native-App-Id>' -Credential $credentials

#Find an Azure CSP customer and select their subscription.
$customer = Get-PartnerCustomer | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq '<name>'}
$subscription = Get-PartnerCustomerSubscription -CustomerId $customer.CustomerId

# Authenticate and connect to Microsoft Azure.
Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $credentials -TenantId $customer.CustomerId

Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionID $Subscription.SubscriptionId -TenantId $customer.CustomerId

REST APIs and managed APIs

If you want to integrate Azure CSP capabilities with existing systems, you can use a rich set of APIs in Partner Center and Azure:

In the following articles, we cover most common Azure CSP management scenarios by using all three approaches.

Next steps

  • Review the list of management scenarios.
  • Review the available APIs for Azure CSP integration.
  • Create your first customer in Azure CSP and deploy Azure services.