Bing Local Business Search API v7 reference
On October 30, 2020, the Bing Search APIs moved from Azure AI services to Bing Search Services. This documentation is provided for reference only. For updated documentation, see the Bing search API documentation. For instructions on creating new Azure resources for Bing search, see Create a Bing Search resource through the Azure Marketplace.
The Local Business Search API sends a search query to Bing to get results that include restaurants, hotels, or other local businesses. For places, the query can specify the name of the local business or a category (for example, restaurants near me). Entity results include persons, places, or things. Place in this context is business entities, states, countries/regions, etc.
This section provides technical details about the response objects, and the query parameters and headers that affect the search results. For examples that show how to make requests, see Local Business Search C# quickstart or Local Business Search Java quickstart.
For information about headers that requests should include, see Headers.
For information about query parameters that requests should include, see Query parameters.
For information about the JSON objects that the response includes, see Response objects.
For information about permitted use and display of results, see Use and display requirements.
To request local business results, send a GET request to:
The request must use the HTTPS protocol.
The maximum URL length is 2,048 characters. To ensure that your URL length does not exceed the limit, the maximum length of your query parameters should be less than 1,500 characters. If the URL exceeds 2,048 characters, the server returns 404 Not found.
The following are the headers that a request and response may include.
Header | Description |
Accept | Optional request header. The default media type is application/json. To specify that the response use JSON-LD, set the Accept header to application/ld+json. |
Accept-Language | Optional request header. A comma-delimited list of languages to use for user interface strings. The list is in decreasing order of preference. For more information, including expected format, see RFC2616. This header and the setLang query parameter are mutually exclusive—do not specify both. If you set this header, you must also specify the cc query parameter. To determine the market to return results for, Bing uses the first supported language it finds from the list and combines it with the cc parameter value. If the list does not include a supported language, Bing finds the closest language and market that supports the request or it uses an aggregated or default market for the results. To determine the market that Bing used, see the BingAPIs-Market header.Use this header and the cc query parameter only if you specify multiple languages. Otherwise, use the mkt and setLang query parameters.A user interface string is a string that's used as a label in a user interface. There are few user interface strings in the JSON response objects. Any links to properties in the response objects apply the specified language. |
BingAPIs-Market | Response header. The market used by the request. The form is <languageCode>-<countryCode>. For example, en-US. |
BingAPIs-TraceId | Response header. The ID of the log entry that contains the details of the request. When an error occurs, capture this ID. If you are not able to determine and resolve the issue, include this ID along with the other information that you provide the Support team. |
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key | Required request header. The subscription key that you received when you signed up for this service in Azure AI services. |
Pragma | Optional request header By default, Bing returns cached content, if available. To prevent Bing from returning cached content, set the Pragma header to no-cache (for example, Pragma: no-cache). |
User-Agent | Optional request header. The user agent originating the request. Bing uses the user agent to provide mobile users with an optimized experience. Although optional, you are encouraged to always specify this header. The user-agent should be the same string that any commonly used browser sends. For information about user agents, see RFC 2616. The following are examples of user-agent strings.
X-MSEdge-ClientID | Optional request and response header. Bing uses this header to provide users with consistent behavior across Bing API calls. Bing often flights new features and improvements, and it uses the client ID as a key for assigning traffic on different flights. If you do not use the same client ID for a user across multiple requests, then Bing may assign the user to multiple conflicting flights. Being assigned to multiple conflicting flights can lead to an inconsistent user experience. For example, if the second request has a different flight assignment than the first, the experience may be unexpected. Also, Bing can use the client ID to tailor web results to that client ID’s search history, providing a richer experience for the user. Bing also uses this header to help improve result rankings by analyzing the activity generated by a client ID. The relevance improvements help with better quality of results delivered by Bing APIs and in turn enables higher click-through rates for the API consumer. IMPORTANT: Although optional, you should consider this header required. Persisting the client ID across multiple requests for the same end user and device combination enables 1) the API consumer to receive a consistent user experience, and 2) higher click-through rates via better quality of results from the Bing APIs. The following are the basic usage rules that apply to this header.
NOTE: Bing responses may or may not include this header. If the response includes this header, capture the client ID and use it for all subsequent Bing requests for the user on that device. NOTE: If you include the X-MSEdge-ClientID, you must not include cookies in the request. |
X-MSEdge-ClientIP | Optional request header. The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the client device. The IP address is used to discover the user's location. Bing uses the location information to determine safe search behavior. NOTE: Although optional, you are encouraged to always specify this header and the X-Search-Location header. Do not obfuscate the address (for example, by changing the last octet to 0). Obfuscating the address results in the location not being anywhere near the device's actual location, which may result in Bing serving erroneous results. |
X-Search-Location | Optional request header. A semicolon-delimited list of key/value pairs that describe the client's geographical location. Bing uses the location information to determine safe search behavior and to return relevant local content. Specify the key/value pair as <key>:<value>. The following are the keys that you use to specify the user's location.
NOTE: You are encouraged to always specify the user's geographical location. Providing the location is especially important if the client's IP address does not accurately reflect the user's physical location (for example, if the client uses VPN). For optimal results, you should include this header and the X-MSEdge-ClientIP header, but at a minimum, you should include this header. |
Remember that the Terms of Use require compliance with all applicable laws, including regarding use of these headers. For example, in certain jurisdictions, such as Europe, there are requirements to obtain user consent before placing certain tracking devices on user devices.
Query parameters
The request may include the following query parameters. See the Required column for required parameters. You must URL encode the query parameters.
Name | Value | Type | Required |
count | The number of results to return, starting with the index specified by the offset parameter. |
String | No |
localCategories | List of options that define search by business category. See Local Business Categories search | String | No |
mkt | The market where the results come from. For a list of possible market values, see Market Codes. NOTE: The Local Business Search API currently only supports en-us market and language. |
String | Yes |
offset | The index to start results specified by the count parameter. |
Integer | No |
q | The user's search term. | String | No |
responseFormat | The media type to use for the response. The following are the possible case-insensitive values.
The default is JSON. For information about the JSON objects that the response contains, see Response Objects. If you specify JsonLd, the response body includes JSON-LD objects that contain the search results. For information about the JSON-LD, see JSON-LD. |
String | No |
safeSearch | A filter used to filter adult content. The following are the possible case-insensitive filter values.
The default is Moderate. NOTE: If the request comes from a market that Bing's adult policy requires that safeSearch is set to Strict, Bing ignores the safeSearch value and uses Strict.NOTE: If you use the site: query operator, there is the chance that the response may contain adult content regardless of what the safeSearch query parameter is set to. Use site: only if you are aware of the content on the site and your scenario supports the possibility of adult content. |
String | No |
setLang | The language to use for user interface strings. Specify the language using the ISO 639-1 2-letter language code. For example, the language code for English is EN. The default is EN (English). Although optional, you should always specify the language. Typically, you set setLang to the same language specified by mkt unless the user wants the user interface strings displayed in a different language.This parameter and the Accept-Language header are mutually exclusive—do not specify both. A user interface string is a string that's used as a label in a user interface. There are few user interface strings in the JSON response objects. Also, any links to properties in the response objects apply the specified language. |
String | No |
Response Objects
The following are the JSON response objects that the response may include. If the request succeeds, the top-level object in the response is the SearchResponse object. If the request fails, the top-level object is the ErrorResponse object.
Object | Description |
Place | Defines information about a local business such as a restaurant or hotel. |
Defines the error that occurred.
Element | Description | Type |
code | The error code that identifies the category of error. For a list of possible codes, see Error Codes. | String |
message | A description of the error. | String |
moreDetails | A description that provides additional information about the error. | String |
parameter | The query parameter in the request that caused the error. | String |
subCode | The error code that identifies the error. For example, if code is InvalidRequest, subCode may be ParameterInvalid or ParameterInvalidValue. |
String |
value | The query parameter's value that was not valid. | String |
The top-level object that the response includes when the request fails.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | Type hint. | String |
errors | A list of errors that describe the reasons why the request failed. | Error[] |
Defines the license under which the text or photo may be used.
Name | Value | Type |
name | The name of the license. | String |
url | The URL to a website where the user can get more information about the license. Use the name and URL to create a hyperlink. |
String |
Defines the components of a hyperlink.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | Type hint. | String |
text | The display text. | String |
url | A URL. Use the URL and display text to create a hyperlink. | String |
Defines a publisher.
Note that a publisher may provide their name or their website or both.
Name | Value | Type |
name | The publisher's name. | String |
url | The URL to the publisher's website. Note that the publisher may not provide a website. |
String |
Defines information about a local business, such as a restaurant or hotel.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | Type hint, which may be set to one of the following:
String |
address | The postal address of where the entity is located. | PostalAddress |
entityPresentationInfo | Additional information about the entity such as hints that you can use to determine the entity's type. For example, whether it's a restaurant or hotel. The entityScenario field is set to ListItem. |
EntityPresentationInfo |
name | The entity's name. | String |
telephone | The entity's telephone number. | String |
url | The URL to the entity's website. Use this URL along with the entity's name to create a hyperlink that when clicked takes the user to the entity's website. |
String |
webSearchUrl | The URL to Bing's search result for this place. | String |
Defines the query context that Bing used for the request.
Element | Description | Type |
adultIntent | A Boolean value that indicates whether the specified query has adult intent. The value is true if the query has adult intent; otherwise, false. | Boolean |
alterationOverrideQuery | The query string to use to force Bing to use the original string. For example, if the query string is saling downwind, the override query string will be +saling downwind. Remember to encode the query string which results in %2Bsaling+downwind. This field is included only if the original query string contains a spelling mistake. |
String |
alteredQuery | The query string used by Bing to perform the query. Bing uses the altered query string if the original query string contained spelling mistakes. For example, if the query string is saling downwind , the altered query string will be sailing downwind .This field is included only if the original query string contains a spelling mistake. |
String |
askUserForLocation | A Boolean value that indicates whether Bing requires the user's location to provide accurate results. If you specified the user's location by using the X-MSEdge-ClientIP and X-Search-Location headers, you can ignore this field. For location aware queries, such as "today's weather" or "restaurants near me" that need the user's location to provide accurate results, this field is set to true. For location aware queries that include the location (for example, "Seattle weather"), this field is set to false. This field is also set to false for queries that are not location aware, such as "best sellers". |
Boolean |
originalQuery | The query string as specified in the request. | String |
Name | Value | Type |
id | A resource identifier | String |
Defines a search results group, such as mainline.
Name | Value | Type |
items | A list of search results to display in the group. | RankingItem |
Defines a search result item to display.
Name | Value | Type |
resultIndex | A zero-based index of the item in the answer to display. If the item does not include this field, display all items in the answer. For example, display all news articles in the News answer. | Integer |
answerType | The answer that contains the item to display. For example, News. Use the type to find the answer in the SearchResponse object. The type is the name of a SearchResponse field. However, use the answer type only if this object includes the value field; otherwise, ignore it. |
String |
textualIndex | The index of the answer in textualAnswers to display. | Unsigned Integer |
value | The ID that identifies either an answer to display or an item of an answer to display. If the ID identifies an answer, display all items of the answer. | Identifiable |
Defines where on the search results page content should be placed and in what order.
Defines the top-level object that the response includes when the request succeeds.
Note that if the service suspects a denial of service attack, the request will succeed (HTTP status code is 200 OK); however, the body of the response will be empty.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | Type hint, which is set to SearchResponse. | String |
places | A list of entities that are relevant to the search query. | JSON object |
queryContext | An object that contains the query string that Bing used for the request. This object contains the query string as entered by the user. It may also contain an altered query string that Bing used for the query if the query string contained a spelling mistake. |
QueryContext |
Error codes
The following are the possible HTTP status codes that a request returns.
Status Code | Description |
200 | Success. |
400 | One of the query parameters is missing or not valid. |
401 | The subscription key is missing or is not valid. |
403 | The user is authenticated (for example, they used a valid subscription key) but they don’t have permission to the requested resource. Bing may also return this status if the caller exceeded their queries per month quota. |
410 | The request used HTTP instead of the HTTPS protocol. HTTPS is the only supported protocol. |
429 | The caller exceeded their queries per second quota. |
500 | Unexpected server error. |
If the request fails, the response contains an ErrorResponse object, which contains a list of Error objects that describe what caused of error. If the error is related to a parameter, the parameter
field identifies the parameter that is the issue. And if the error is related to a parameter value, the value
field identifies the value that is not valid.
"_type": "ErrorResponse",
"errors": [
"code": "InvalidRequest",
"subCode": "ParameterMissing",
"message": "Required parameter is missing.",
"parameter": "q"
"_type": "ErrorResponse",
"errors": [
"code": "InvalidAuthorization",
"subCode": "AuthorizationMissing",
"message": "Authorization is required.",
"moreDetails": "Subscription key is not recognized."
The following are the possible error code and sub-error code values.
Code | SubCode | Description |
ServerError | UnexpectedError ResourceError NotImplemented |
HTTP status code is 500. |
InvalidRequest | ParameterMissing ParameterInvalidValue HttpNotAllowed Blocked |
Bing returns InvalidRequest whenever any part of the request is not valid. For example, a required parameter is missing or a parameter value is not valid. If the error is ParameterMissing or ParameterInvalidValue, the HTTP status code is 400. If you use the HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS, Bing returns HttpNotAllowed, and the HTTP status code is 410. |
RateLimitExceeded | No sub-codes | Bing returns RateLimitExceeded whenever you exceed your queries per second (QPS) or queries per month (QPM) quota. If you exceed QPS, Bing returns HTTP status code 429, and if you exceed QPM, Bing returns 403. |
InvalidAuthorization | AuthorizationMissing AuthorizationRedundancy |
Bing returns InvalidAuthorization when Bing cannot authenticate the caller. For example, the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header is missing or the subscription key is not valid.Redundancy occurs if you specify more than one authentication method. If the error is InvalidAuthorization, the HTTP status code is 401. |
InsufficientAuthorization | AuthorizationDisabled AuthorizationExpired |
Bing returns InsufficientAuthorization when the caller does not have permissions to access the resource. This can occur if the subscription key has been disabled or has expired. If the error is InsufficientAuthorization, the HTTP status code is 403. |