Deploy Defender for IoT C based security agent for Linux
This guide explains how to install and deploy the Defender for IoT C-based security agent on Linux.
- Install
- Verify deployment
- Uninstall the agent
- Troubleshoot
For other platforms and agent flavors, see Choose the right security agent.
To deploy the security agent, local admin rights are required on the machine you wish to install on (sudo).
Create a Defender-IoT-micro-agent for the device.
To install and deploy the security agent, use the following workflow:
Download the most recent version to your machine from GitHub.
Extract the contents of the package and navigate to the /src/installation folder.
Add running permissions to the InstallSecurityAgent script by running the following command:
chmod +x
Next, run:
./ -aui <authentication identity> -aum <authentication method> -f <file path> -hn <host name> -di <device id> -i
See How to configure authentication for more information about authentication parameters.
This script performs the following function:
Installs prerequisites.
Adds a service user (with interactive sign-in disabled).
Installs the agent as a Daemon - assumes the device uses systemd for service management.
Configures the agent with the authentication parameters provided.
For additional help, run the script with the –help parameter:
./ --help
Uninstall the agent
To uninstall the agent, run the script with the –-uninstall parameter:
./ -–uninstall
Check the deployment status by running:
systemctl status ASCIoTAgent.service
Next steps
- Read the Defender for IoT service Overview
- Learn more about Defender for IoT What is agent-based solution for device builders
- Enable the service
- Read the Microsoft Defender for IoT agent frequently asked questions
- Understand security alerts