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How to use Azure Digital Twins management APIs


A new version of the Azure Digital Twins service has been released. In light of the new service's expanded capabilities, the original Azure Digital Twins service (described in this documentation set) has been retired.

To view the documentation for the new service, visit the active Azure Digital Twins Documentation.

The Azure Digital Twins management APIs provide powerful functionalities for your IoT apps. This article shows you how to navigate through the API structure.

API summary

The following list shows the components of the Digital Twins APIs.

  • /spaces: These APIs interact with the physical locations in your setup. These help you create, delete, and manage the digital mappings of your physical locations in the form of a spatial graph.

  • /devices: These APIs interact with the devices in your setup. These devices can manage one or more sensors. For example, a device could be your phone, or a Raspberry Pi sensor pod, or a Lora gateway, and so on.

  • /sensors: These APIs help you communicate with the sensors associated with your devices and your physical locations. The sensors record and send ambient values which can then be used to manipulate your spatial environment.

  • /resources: These APIs help you set up resources, such as an IoT hub, for your Digital Twins instance.

  • /types: These APIs allow you to associate extended types with your Digital Twins objects, to add specific characteristics to those objects. These types allow for easy filtering and grouping of objects in the UI and the custom functions that process your telemetry data. Examples of extended types are DeviceType, SensorType, SensorDataType, SpaceType, SpaceSubType, SpaceBlobType, SpaceResourceType, and so on.

  • /ontologies: These APIs help you to manage ontologies, which are collections of extended types. Ontologies provide names for object types as per the physical space they represent. For example, the BACnet ontology provides specific names for sensor types, datatypes, datasubtypes, and dataunittypes. Ontologies are managed and created by the service. Users can load and unload ontologies. When an ontology is loaded, all of its associated type names are enabled and ready to be provisioned in your spatial graph.

  • /propertyKeys: You can use these APIs to create custom properties for your spaces, devices, users, and sensors. These properties are created as key/value pairs. You can define the data type for these properties by setting their PrimitiveDataType. For example, you can define a property named BasicTemperatureDeltaProcessingRefreshTime of type uint for your sensors, and then assign a value for this property for each of your sensors. You can also add constraints for these values while creating the property, such as Min and Max ranges, as well as allowed values as ValidationData.

  • /matchers: These APIs allow you to specify the conditions that you want to evaluate from your incoming device data. See this article for more information.

  • /userDefinedFunctions: These APIs allow you to create, delete or update a custom function that will execute when conditions defined by the matchers occur, to process data coming from your setup. See this article for more information about these custom functions, also called the user-defined functions.

  • /endpoints: These APIs allow you to create endpoints so your Digital Twins solution can communicate with other Azure services for data storage and analytics. Read this article for more information.

  • /keyStores: These APIs allow you to manage security key stores for your spaces. These stores can hold a collection of security keys, and allow you to easily retrieve the latest valid keys.

  • /users: These APIs allow you to associate users with your spaces, to locate these individuals when required.

  • /system: These APIs allow you to manage system-wide settings, such as the default types of spaces and sensors.

  • /roleAssignments: These APIs allow you to associate roles to entities such as user ID, user-defined function ID, etc. Each role assignment includes the ID of the entity to associate, the entity type, the ID of the role to associate, the tenant ID, and a path that defines the upper limit of the resource that the entity can access with that association. Read this article for more information.

API navigation

The Digital Twins APIs support filtering and navigation throughout your spatial graph using the following parameters:

  • spaceId: The API will filter the results by the given space ID. Additionally, the boolean flag useParentSpace is applicable to the /spaces APIs, which indicates that the given space ID refers to the parent space instead of the current space.

  • minLevel and maxLevel: Root spaces are considered to be at level 1. Spaces with parent space at level n are at level n+1. With these values set, you can filter the results at specific levels. These are inclusive values when set. Devices, sensors, and other objects are considered to be at the same level as their closest space. To get all objects at a given level, set both minLevel and maxLevel to the same value.

  • minRelative and maxRelative: When these filters are given, the corresponding level is relative to the level of the given space ID:

    • Relative level 0 is as the same level as the given space ID.
    • Relative level 1 represents spaces at the same level as the children of the given space ID. Relative level n represents spaces lower than the specified space by n levels.
    • Relative level -1 represents spaces at the same level as the parent space of the specified space.
  • traverse: Allows you to traverse in either direction from a given space ID, as specified by the following values.

    • None: This default value filters to the given space ID.
    • Down: This filters by the given space ID and its descendants.
    • Up: This filters by the given space ID and its ancestors.
    • Span: This filters a horizontal portion of the spatial graph, at the same level as the given space ID. This needs either the minRelative or the maxRelative to be set true.


The following list shows some examples of navigation through the /devices APIs. Note that the placeholder YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL refers to the URI of the Digital Twins APIs in the format, where YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME is the name of your Azure Digital Twins instance, and YOUR_LOCATION is the region where your instance is hosted.

  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?maxLevel=1 returns all devices attached to root spaces.
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?minLevel=2&maxLevel=4 returns all devices attached to spaces of levels 2, 3 or 4.
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?spaceId=mySpaceId returns all devices directly attached to mySpaceId.
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?spaceId=mySpaceId&traverse=Down returns all devices attached to mySpaceId or one of its descendants.
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?spaceId=mySpaceId&traverse=Down&minLevel=1&minRelative=true returns all devices attached to descendants of mySpaceId, excluding mySpaceId.
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?spaceId=mySpaceId&traverse=Down&minLevel=1&minRelative=true&maxLevel=1&maxRelative=true returns all devices attached to immediate children of mySpaceId.
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?spaceId=mySpaceId&traverse=Up&maxLevel=-1&maxRelative=true returns all devices attached to one of the ancestors of mySpaceId.
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?spaceId=mySpaceId&traverse=Down&maxLevel=5 returns all devices attached to descendants of mySpaceId that are at level smaller than or equal to 5.
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?spaceId=mySpaceId&traverse=Span&minLevel=0&minRelative=true&maxLevel=0&maxRelative=true returns all devices attached to spaces that are at the same level as mySpaceId.

OData support

Most of the APIs that return collections, such as a GET call on /spaces, support the following subset of the generic OData system query options:

  • $filter
  • $orderby
  • $top
  • $skip - If you intend to display the entire collection, you should request it as a whole set in a single call, and then perform paging in your application.


Some OData options (such as query options $count, $expand, and $search) are not presently supported.


The following list depicts several queries with valid OData syntax:

  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?$top=3&$orderby=Name desc
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/keystores?$filter=endswith(Description,'space')
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/devices?$filter=TypeId eq 2
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/resources?$filter=StatusId ne 1
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/users?$top=4&$filter=endswith(LastName,'k')&$orderby=LastName
  • YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL/spaces?$orderby=Name desc&$top=3&$filter=substringof('Floor',Name)

Next steps

To learn some common API query patterns, read How to query Azure Digital Twins APIs for common tasks.

To learn more about your API endpoints, read How to use Digital Twins Swagger.

To review OData syntax and available comparison operators, read OData comparison operators in Azure Cognitive Search.