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ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationError Members

An exception class that represents error codes. Each error code is represented as a string property in ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationError.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationError type.

Public Fields

  Name Description
public field static AssemblyLoadFailed An error that indicates loading a required assembly failed.
public field static AuthenticationCanceled An error that indicates authentication was canceled.
public field static AuthenticationFailed An error that indicates authentication failed.
public field static AuthorityNotInValidList An error that indicates authority is not in the list of valid addresses.
public field static CertificateKeySizeTooSmall An error that indicates the certificate key size is too small.
public field static EmailAddressSuffixMismatch An error that indicates the email address suffixes do not match.
public field static EncodedTokenTooLong An error that indicates the encoded token exceeds the maximum length.
public field static IdentityProtocolLoginUrlNull An error that indicates the login URL for the identity protocol is null.
public field static IdentityProtocolMismatch An error that indicates the identity protocols do not match.
public field static IdentityProviderRequestFailed An error that indicates the request to the identity provider failed.
public field static InvalidArgument An error that indicates an invalid argument was passed.
public field static InvalidAuthorityType An error that indicates the authority type is invalid.
public field static InvalidCredentialType An error that indicates the credential type is invalid.
public field static InvalidOwnerWindowType An error that indicates the window owner type is invalid.
public field static InvalidServiceUrl An error that indicates the service URL is invalid.
public field static MultipleTokensMatched An error that indicates multiple tokens matched.
public field static NoDataFromSTS An error that indicates no data was received from the STS.
public field static ServiceReturnedError Indicates the service returned an error.
public field static StsMetadataRequestFailed An error that indicates the request to retrieve metadata from the STS failed.
public field static StsTokenRequestFailed An error that indicates the request to retrieve a token from the STS failed.
public field static SymmetricKeySizeTooSmall An error that indicates the symmetric key size is too small.
public field static UnauthorizedResponseExpected An error that indicates an unauthorized response was expected from resource server.
public field static Unknown Indicates an unknown error occurred.


See Also


ActiveDirectoryAuthenticationError Class
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory Namespace