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access_condition Class

Represents a set of access conditions to be used for operations against the Blob service.

class access_condition;


Public Enumerations

Name Description

access_condition::sequence_number_operators Enumeration

Describes the set of operators for comparing the blob�s sequence number with the specified value.

Public Constructors

Name Description

access_condition::access_condition Constructor

Overloaded. Constructs an empty access condition.

Public Methods

Name Description

access_condition::generate_empty_condition Method

Generates an empty access condition.

access_condition::generate_if_match_condition Method

Generates an access condition such that an operation will be performed only if the resource's ETag value matches the specified ETag value.

access_condition::generate_if_modified_since_condition Method

Generates an access condition such that an operation will be performed only if the resource has been modified since the specified time.

access_condition::generate_if_none_match_condition Method

Generates an access condition such that an operation will be performed only if the resource's ETag value does not match the specified ETag value.

access_condition::generate_if_not_modified_since_condition Method

Generates an access condition such that an operation will be performed only if the resource has not been modified since the specified time.

access_condition::generate_if_sequence_number_equal_condition Method

Generates an access condition such that an operation will be performed only if resource's current sequence number is equal to the specified value.

access_condition::generate_if_sequence_number_less_than_condition Method

Generates an access condition such that an operation will be performed only if resource's current sequence number is less than the specified value.

access_condition::generate_if_sequence_number_less_than_or_equal_condition Method

Generates an access condition such that an operation will be performed only if resource's current sequence number is less than or equal to the specified value.

access_condition::generate_lease_condition Method

Generates an access condition such that an operation will be performed only if the lease ID on the resource matches the specified lease ID.

access_condition::if_match_etag Method

Gets an ETag value that must match the ETag of a resource.

access_condition::if_modified_since_time Method

Gets a time that must be before the last-modified time of a resource.

access_condition::if_none_match_etag Method

Gets an ETag that must not match the ETag of a resource.

access_condition::if_not_modified_since_time Method

Gets a time that must not be before the last-modified time of a resource.

access_condition::is_conditional Method

Indicates whether the azure::storage::access_condition object specifies a condition.

access_condition::lease_id Method

Gets a lease ID that must match the lease on a resource.

access_condition::sequence_number Method

Gets a sequence number that the current sequence number of a page blob must be equal to in order for the operation to proceed.

access_condition::set_if_match_etag Method

Sets an ETag that must match the ETag of a resource.

access_condition::set_if_modified_since_time Method

Sets a time that must be before the last-modified time of a resource.

access_condition::set_if_none_match_etag Method

Sets an ETag that must not match the ETag of a resource.

access_condition::set_if_not_modified_since_time Method

Sets a time that must not be before the last-modified time of a resource.

access_condition::set_if_sequence_number_equal Method

Sets a sequence number that the current sequence number of a page blob must be equal to in order for the operation to proceed.

access_condition::set_if_sequence_number_less_than Method

Sets a sequence number that the current sequence number of a page blob must be less than in order for the operation to proceed.

access_condition::set_if_sequence_number_less_than_or_equal Method

Sets a sequence number that the current sequence number of a page blob must be less than or equal to in order for the operation to proceed.

access_condition::set_lease_id Method

Sets a lease ID that must match the lease on a resource.

Public Operators

Name Description

access_condition::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a access_condition object.

access_condition::sequence_number_operator Operator

Gets the sequence number comparison operator specified for the access condition.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: blob.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace