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cloud_storage_account Class

Represents a Windows Azure storage account.

class cloud_storage_account;


Public Constructors

Name Description

cloud_storage_account::cloud_storage_account Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the cloud_storage_account class.

Public Methods

Name Description

cloud_storage_account::blob_endpoint Method

Gets the endpoint for the Blob service for all location.

cloud_storage_account::create_cloud_blob_client Method

Overloaded. Creates the Blob service client.

cloud_storage_account::create_cloud_queue_client Method

Overloaded. Creates the Queue service client.

cloud_storage_account::create_cloud_table_client Method

Overloaded. Creates the Table service client.

cloud_storage_account::credentials Method

Gets the credentials used to create this azure::storage::cloud_storage_account object.

cloud_storage_account::development_storage_account Method

Gets a azure::storage::cloud_storage_account object that references the development storage account.

cloud_storage_account::is_initialized Method

Indicates whether the storage account has been initialized.

cloud_storage_account::parse Method

Parses a connection string and returns a azure::storage::cloud_storage_account created from the connection string.

cloud_storage_account::queue_endpoint Method

Gets the endpoint for the Queue service for all location.

cloud_storage_account::table_endpoint Method

Gets the endpoint for the Table service for all location.

cloud_storage_account::to_string Method

Overloaded. Returns a connection string for this storage account, without sensitive data.

Public Operators

Name Description

cloud_storage_account::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a cloud_storage_account object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: storage_account.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace