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table_query Class

Represents a query against a table.

class table_query;


Public Constructors

Name Description

table_query::table_query Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the azure::storage::table_query class.

Public Methods

Name Description

table_query::combine_filter_conditions Method

Creates a filter condition using the specified logical operator on two filter conditions.

table_query::filter_string Method

Gets the filter expression to use for the query.

table_query::generate_filter_condition Method

Overloaded. Generates a filter condition string for the specified string value.

table_query::select_columns Method

Gets the names of the entity properties to return when the query is executed.

table_query::set_filter_string Method

Sets the filter expression to use for the query.

table_query::set_select_columns Method

Sets the names of the entity properties to return when the table query is executed.

table_query::set_take_count Method

Sets the maximum number of entities the query may return.

table_query::take_count Method

Gets the maximum number of entities the query will return.

Public Operators

Name Description

table_query::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a table_query object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: table.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace