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table_result Class

Represents the result of a table operation.

class table_result;


Public Constructors

Name Description

table_result::table_result Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the azure::storage::table_result class.

Public Methods

Name Description

table_result::entity Method

Gets a table_entity object returned as part of a azure::storage::table_result object.

table_result::etag Method

Gets the ETag for a azure::storage::table_result object.

table_result::http_status_code Method

Gets the HTTP status code for a azure::storage::table_result object.

table_result::set_entity Method

Sets a table_entity object returned as part of a azure::storage::table_result object.

table_result::set_etag Method

Sets the ETag for a azure::storage::table_result object.

table_result::set_http_status_code Method

Sets the HTTP status code for a azure::storage::table_result object.

Public Operators

Name Description

table_result::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a table_result object.


The azure::storage::table_result class encapsulates the HTTP response and any query results returned for a particular azure::storage::table_operation.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: table.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace