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cloud_blob_container Class

Represents a container in the Windows Azure Blob service.

class cloud_blob_container;


Public Constructors

Name Description

cloud_blob_container::cloud_blob_container Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the azure::storage::cloud_blob_container class.

Public Methods

Name Description

cloud_blob_container::acquire_lease Method

Overloaded. Acquires a lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::acquire_lease_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to acquire a lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::break_lease Method

Overloaded. Breaks the current lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::break_lease_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to break the current lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::change_lease Method

Overloaded. Changes the lease ID for a lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::change_lease_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to change the lease ID for a lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::create Method

Overloaded. Creates the container.

cloud_blob_container::create_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to create the container.

cloud_blob_container::create_if_not_exists Method

Overloaded. Creates the container if it does not already exist.

cloud_blob_container::create_if_not_exists_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to create the container if it does not already exist.

cloud_blob_container::delete_container Method

Overloaded. Deletes the container.

cloud_blob_container::delete_container_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to delete the container.

cloud_blob_container::delete_container_if_exists Method

Overloaded. Deletes the container if it already exists.

cloud_blob_container::delete_container_if_exists_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to delete the container if it already exists.

cloud_blob_container::download_attributes Method

Overloaded. Retrieves the container's attributes.

cloud_blob_container::download_attributes_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to retrieve the container's attributes.

cloud_blob_container::download_permissions Method

Overloaded. Gets the permissions settings for the container.

cloud_blob_container::download_permissions_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to get permissions settings for the container.

cloud_blob_container::exists Method

Overloaded. Checks existence of the container.

cloud_blob_container::exists_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to check the existence of the container.

cloud_blob_container::get_blob_reference Method

Overloaded. Gets a reference to a blob in this container.

cloud_blob_container::get_block_blob_reference Method

Overloaded. Gets a reference to a block blob in this container.

cloud_blob_container::get_directory_reference Method

Gets a reference to a virtual blob directory beneath this container.

cloud_blob_container::get_page_blob_reference Method

Overloaded. Gets a reference to a page blob in this container.

cloud_blob_container::get_shared_access_signature Method

Overloaded. Returns a shared access signature for the container.

cloud_blob_container::is_valid Method

Indicates whether the cloud_blob_container object is valid.

cloud_blob_container::list_blobs_segmented Method

Overloaded. Returns a result segment containing a collection of blob items in the container.

cloud_blob_container::list_blobs_segmented_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to return a result segment containing a collection of blob items in the container.

cloud_blob_container::metadata Method

Overloaded. Gets the container's metadata.

cloud_blob_container::name Method

Gets the name of the container.

cloud_blob_container::properties Method

Gets the container's system properties.

cloud_blob_container::release_lease Method

Overloaded. Releases a lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::release_lease_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to release a lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::renew_lease Method

Overloaded. Renews a lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::renew_lease_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to renew a lease on the container.

cloud_blob_container::service_client Method

Gets the Blob service client for the container.

cloud_blob_container::upload_metadata Method

Overloaded. Sets the container's user-defined metadata.

cloud_blob_container::upload_metadata_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to set the container's user-defined metadata.

cloud_blob_container::upload_permissions Method

Overloaded. Sets permissions for the container.

cloud_blob_container::upload_permissions_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to set permissions for the container.

cloud_blob_container::uri Method

Gets the container URI for all locations.

Public Operators

Name Description

cloud_blob_container::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a cloud_blob_container object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: blob.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace