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retry_info Class

Specifies parameters for the next retry of a request to be made against the Windows Azure storage services, including the target location and location mode for the next retry and the interval until the next retry.

class retry_info;


Public Constructors

Name Description

retry_info::retry_info Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the azure::storage::retry_info class.

Public Methods

Name Description

retry_info::retry_interval Method

Gets the interval until the next retry.

retry_info::set_retry_interval Method

Sets the interval until the next retry.

retry_info::set_target_location Method

Sets the target location for the next retry.

retry_info::set_updated_location_mode Method

Sets the location mode for subsequent retries.

retry_info::should_retry Method

Indicates that the request should be retried.

retry_info::target_location Method

Gets the target location for the next retry.

retry_info::updated_location_mode Method

Gets the location mode for subsequent retries.

Public Operators

Name Description

retry_info::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a retry_info object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: core.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace