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retry_context Class

Represents the context for one or more retries of a request made against the Windows Azure storage services, including the number of retries made for the request, the results of the last request, and the storage location and location mode for subsequent retries.

class retry_context;


Public Constructors

Name Description

retry_context::retry_context Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the retry_context class.

Public Methods

Name Description

retry_context::current_location_mode Method

Gets the location mode for subsequent retries.

retry_context::current_retry_count Method

Gets the number of retries for the given operation.

retry_context::last_request_result Method

Gets the results of the last request.

retry_context::next_location Method

Gets the target location for the next retry.

Public Operators

Name Description

retry_context::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a retry_context object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: core.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace