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cloud_blob_client::upload_service_properties_async Method

Intitiates an asynchronous operation to set the service properties for the Blob service client.

pplx::task<void> upload_service_properties_async(
   const service_properties& properties,
   const service_properties_includes& includes
) const;

WASTORAGE_API pplx::task<void> upload_service_properties_async(
   const service_properties& properties,
   const service_properties_includes& includes,
   const blob_request_options& options,
   operation_context context
) const;


  • properties
    The service_properties for the Blob service client.
  • includes
    A azure::storage::service_properties_includes enumeration describing which items to include when setting service properties.
  • options
    A azure::storage::blob_request_options object that specifies additional options for the request.
  • context
    An azure::storage::operation_context object that represents the context for the current operation.

Return Value

A pplx::task object that represents the current operation.


Header: blob.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


cloud_blob_client Class