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cloud_page_blob Class

Represents a Windows Azure page blob.

class cloud_page_blob;


Public Constructors

Name Description

cloud_page_blob::cloud_page_blob Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the azure::storage::cloud_page_blob class.

Public Methods

Name Description

cloud_page_blob::clear_pages Method

Overloaded. Clears pages from a page blob.

cloud_page_blob::clear_pages_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to clear pages from a page blob.

cloud_page_blob::create Method

Overloaded. Creates a page blob.

cloud_page_blob::create_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to create a page blob.

cloud_page_blob::download_page_ranges Method

Overloaded. Gets a collection of valid page ranges and their starting and ending bytes.

cloud_page_blob::download_page_ranges_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to get a collection of valid page ranges and their starting and ending bytes.

cloud_page_blob::open_write Method

Overloaded. Opens a stream for writing to an existing page blob.

cloud_page_blob::open_write_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to open a stream for writing to an existing page blob.

cloud_page_blob::resize Method

Overloaded. Resizes the page blob to the specified size.

cloud_page_blob::resize_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to resize the page blob to the specified size.

cloud_page_blob::set_sequence_number Method

Overloaded. Sets the page blob's sequence number.

cloud_page_blob::set_sequence_number_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to set the page blob's sequence number.

cloud_page_blob::upload_from_file Method

Overloaded. Uploads a file to a page blob.

cloud_page_blob::upload_from_file_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to upload a file to a page blob.

cloud_page_blob::upload_from_stream Method

Overloaded. Uploads a stream to a page blob.

cloud_page_blob::upload_from_stream_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to upload a stream to a page blob.

cloud_page_blob::upload_pages Method

Overloaded. Writes pages to a page blob.

cloud_page_blob::upload_pages_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation to write pages to a page blob.

Public Operators

Name Description

cloud_page_blob::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a cloud_page_blob object.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Header: blob.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace