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shared_access_policy Class

Represents a shared access policy, which specifies the start time, expiry time, and permissions for a shared access signature.

class shared_access_policy;


Protected Constructors

Name Description

shared_access_policy::shared_access_policy Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the shared_access_policy class.

Public Methods

Name Description

shared_access_policy::expiry Method

Gets the expiry time for the shared access policy.

shared_access_policy::is_valid Method

Indicates whether the shared_access_policy object is valid.

shared_access_policy::permission Method

Gets the permissions for the shared access policy.

shared_access_policy::permissions_to_string Method

Get a canonical string representation of the permissions for a shared access policy.

shared_access_policy::set_expiry Method

Sets the expiry time for the shared access policy.

shared_access_policy::set_permissions Method

Sets the permissions from the specified permissions.

shared_access_policy::set_permissions_from_string Method

Sets the permissions from the given string.

shared_access_policy::set_start Method

Sets the start time for the shared access policy.

shared_access_policy::start Method

Gets the start time for the shared access policy.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: common.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace