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cloud_table Class

Represents a table object in the Table service.

class cloud_table;


Public Constructors

Name Description

cloud_table::cloud_table Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the cloud_table class.

Public Methods

Name Description

cloud_table::create Method

Overloaded. Creates a table.

cloud_table::create_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation that creates a table.

cloud_table::create_if_not_exists Method

Overloaded. Creates the table if it does not already exist.

cloud_table::create_if_not_exists_async Method

Overloaded. Returns a task to create the table if it does not already exist.

cloud_table::delete_table Method

Overloaded. Deletes a table.

cloud_table::delete_table_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation that deletes a table.

cloud_table::delete_table_if_exists Method

Overloaded. Deletes the table if it exists.

cloud_table::delete_table_if_exists_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation that deletes the table if it exists.

cloud_table::download_permissions Method

Overloaded. Gets the permissions settings for the table.

cloud_table::download_permissions_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation that gets the permissions settings for the table.

cloud_table::execute Method

Overloaded. Executes an operation on a table.

cloud_table::execute_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation that executes an operation on a table.

cloud_table::execute_batch Method

Overloaded. Executes a batch operation on a table as an atomic operation.

cloud_table::execute_batch_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation that executes a batch operation on a table as an atomic operation.

cloud_table::execute_query_segmented Method

Overloaded. Executes a query with the specified azure::storage::continuation_token to retrieve the next page of results.

cloud_table::execute_query_segmented_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation that executes a query with the specified azure::storage::continuation_token to retrieve the next page of results.

cloud_table::exists Method

Overloaded. Checks whether the table exists.

cloud_table::exists_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation that checks whether the table exists.

cloud_table::get_shared_access_signature Method

Overloaded. Returns a shared access signature for the table.

cloud_table::name Method

Gets the table name.

cloud_table::service_client Method

Gets the azure::storage::cloud_table_client object that represents the Table service.

cloud_table::upload_permissions Method

Overloaded. Sets permissions for the table.

cloud_table::upload_permissions_async Method

Overloaded. Intitiates an asynchronous operation that sets permissions for the table.

cloud_table::uri Method

Gets the table URI for all locations.

Public Operators

Name Description

cloud_table::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a cloud_table object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: table.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace