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Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.VirtualNetworks Namespace

The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.VirtualNetworks namespace contains classes that provides operations for managing Windows Azure Virtual Networks.


Class Description
ClientRootCertificateOperationsExtensions Represents the extensions for client root certificate management.
GatewayOperationsExtensions Represents the extensions for Virtual Network Gateway management.
NetworkOperationsExtensions Represents the extensions for Virtual Network management.
VirtualNetworkManagementClient Represents a Virtual Network management client.
VirtualNetworkManagementClientExtensions Represents the extensions for Virtual Network client management.


Interface Description
IClientRootCertificateOperations Represents the interface for the operations that are used to manage client root certificates.
IGatewayOperations Represents the interface for the operations that are used to manage Virtual Network Gateways.
INetworkOperations Represents the interface for the operations that are used to manage Virtual Networks.
IVirtualNetworkManagementClient Represents the interface for the operations that are used to manage Virtual Network management clients.