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entity_property Class

Class for storing information about a single property in an entity in a table.

class entity_property;


Public Constructors

Name Description

entity_property::entity_property Constructor

Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the entity_property class.

Public Methods

Name Description

entity_property::binary_value Method

Gets the byte array value of the entity_property object.

entity_property::boolean_value Method

Gets the boolean value of the entity_property object.

entity_property::datetime_value Method

Gets the datetime value of the entity_property object.

entity_property::double_value Method

Gets the double-precision floating point value of the entity_property object.

entity_property::guid_value Method

Gets the GUID value of the entity_property object.

entity_property::int32_value Method

Gets the 32-bit integer value of the entity_property object.

entity_property::int64_value Method

Gets the 64-bit integer value of the entity_property object.

entity_property::is_null Method

Indicates whether the value is null.

entity_property::property_type Method

Gets the property type of the entity_property object.

entity_property::set_is_null Method

Sets the value to null.

entity_property::set_property_type Method

Sets the property type of the entity_property object.

entity_property::set_value Method

Overloaded. Sets the byte array value of the entity_property object.

entity_property::str Method

Returns the value of the entity_property object as a string.

entity_property::string_value Method

Gets the string value of the entity_property object.

Public Operators

Name Description

entity_property::operator= Operator

Returns a reference to a entity_property object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: table.h

Namespace: azure::storage

See Also


azure::storage Namespace