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PowerShell CmdLets | Hybrid Connection Manager



Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services (MABS) is being retired, and replaced with Azure Logic Apps. If you currently use MABS, then Move from BizTalk Services to Logic Appsprovides some guidance on moving your integration solutions to Logic Apps.

If you're brand new to Logic Apps, then we suggest getting started here:

This topic lists the PowerShell cmdlets for the on-premises Hybrid Connection Manager.

When using Hybrid Connections for Azure applications, you install the Hybrid Connection Manager on the on-premises resource. The on-premises Hybrid Connection Manager includes Windows PowerShell cmdlets to manage the Hybrid Connections on your local computer, including:

  • Add-HybridConnection

  • Update-HybridConnection

  • Remove-HybridConnection

  • Get-HybridConnection

  • Set-HybridConnectionManagerConfiguration


These cmdlets manage the on-premises listener connections to the Hybrid Connections. They do not add, update, or remove the Hybrid Connections in the BizTalk Services deployment on Azure.

To use the PowerShell cmdlets:

  • You must be a member of the local Administrators group on the on-premises resource.

  • You must run the cmdlets on the on-premises computer that has the Hybrid Connection Manager installed.

  • From Programs, select Windows PowerShell and Run as Administrator. If User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you may be prompted to proceed. Click Yes.


The -ConnectionString parameter refers to the complete On-premises Connection String listed in the Azure classic portal. Create and Manage Hybrid Connections lists the steps to copy the On-premises Connection String.

Powershell Cmdlet




Adds a new on-premises listener connection in the Hybrid Connection Manager to an existing Hybrid Connection on Azure.

[-ConnectionString] <your on-premises connection string>

Required. Enter the complete on-premises connection string listed in the Azure classic portal. Example includes:

add-hybridConnection -connectionString “Endpoint=hc://;SharedAccessKeyName=defaultListener;SharedAccessKey=xxxx”


Updates the connectivity parameters for an on-premises listener configured on the local Hybrid Connection Manager.

[-ConnectionString] <your on-premises connection string>

Required. Enter the complete on-premises connection string of the Hybrid Connection you want to change. Example includes:

update-hybridConnection -connectionString “Endpoint=hc://;SharedAccessKeyName=defaultListener;SharedAccessKey=xxxx”


Removes an on-premises listener for a specific Hybrid Connection from the local Hybrid Connection Manager.

[-ConnectionString] <your on-premises connection string> OR [-URI] <HybridConnectionURI>

Required. Only one of the two parameters must be entered. Enter the complete on-premises connection string of the Hybrid Connection or URI you want to remove. Examples include:

remove-HybridConnection -connectionString “Endpoint=hc://;SharedAccessKeyName=defaultListener;SharedAccessKey=xxxx”


remove-hybridConnection -URI “hc://


Returns information on the on-premises listeners for all the Hybrid Connections configured on the local Hybrid Connection Manager.

[-ConnectionString] <your on-premises connection string> OR [-URI] <HybridConnectionURI>


[-format] ShowKeys

Optional. If no parameters are specified, all Hybrid Connections are returned. Example includes:

get-hybridConnection -URI “hc://


Configures the local management TCP port for the Hybrid Connection Manager.

[-ManagementPort] <TCPPortNumber>

Required. Example includes:

set-hybridConnectionManagerConfiguration -managementPort 9352

This local port is used by the Hybrid Connection Manager to retrieve the status of the Hybrid Connections connected on the local machine.