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Frequently asked questions for IoT Suite

See also, the connected factory specific FAQ.

Where can I find the source code for the preconfigured solutions?

The source code is stored in the following GitHub repositories:

How do I update to the latest version of the remote monitoring preconfigured solution that uses the IoT Hub device management features?

  • If you deploy a preconfigured solution from the site, it always deploys a new instance of the latest version of the solution.
  • If you deploy a preconfigured solution using the command line, you can update an existing deployment with new code. See Cloud deployment in the GitHub repository.

How can I add support for a new device method to the remote monitoring preconfigured solution?

See the section Add support for a new method to the simulator in the Customize a preconfigured solution article.

The simulated device is ignoring my desired property changes, why?

In the remote monitoring preconfigured solution, the simulated device code only uses the Desired.Config.TemperatureMeanValue and Desired.Config.TelemetryInterval desired properties to update the reported properties. All other desired property change requests are ignored.

My device does not appear in the list of devices in the solution dashboard, why?

The list of devices in the solution dashboard uses a query to return the list of devices. Currently, a query cannot return more than 10K devices. Try making the search criteria for your query more restrictive.

What's the difference between deleting a resource group in the Azure portal and clicking delete on a preconfigured solution in

  • If you delete the preconfigured solution in, you delete all the resources that were provisioned when you created the preconfigured solution. If you added additional resources to the resource group, these resources are also deleted.
  • If you delete the resource group in the Azure portal, you only delete the resources in that resource group. You also need to delete the Azure Active Directory application associated with the preconfigured solution in the Azure portal.

How many IoT Hub instances can I provision in a subscription?

By default you can provision 10 IoT hubs per subscription. You can create an Azure support ticket to raise this limit. As a result, since every preconfigured solution provisions a new IoT Hub, you can only provision up to 10 preconfigured solutions in a given subscription.

How many Azure Cosmos DB instances can I provision in a subscription?

Fifty. You can create an Azure support ticket to raise this limit, but by default, you can only provision 50 Cosmos DB instances per subscription.

How many Free Bing Maps APIs can I provision in a subscription?

Two. You can create only two Internal Transactions Level 1 Bing Maps for Enterprise plans in an Azure subscription. The remote monitoring solution is provisioned by default with the Internal Transactions Level 1 plan. As a result, you can only provision up to two remote monitoring solutions in a subscription with no modifications.

I have a remote monitoring solution deployment with a static map, how do I add an interactive Bing map?

  1. Get your Bing Maps API for Enterprise QueryKey from Azure portal:

    1. Navigate to the Resource Group where your Bing Maps API for Enterprise is in the Azure portal.

    2. Click All Settings, then Key Management.

    3. You can see two keys: MasterKey and QueryKey. Copy the value for QueryKey.


      Don't have a Bing Maps API for Enterprise account? Create one in the Azure portal by clicking + New, searching for Bing Maps API for Enterprise and follow prompts to create.

  2. Pull down the latest code from the Azure-IoT-Remote-Monitoring.

  3. Run a local or cloud deployment following the command-line deployment guidance in the /docs/ folder in the repository.

  4. After you've run a local or cloud deployment, look in your root folder for the *.user.config file created during deployment. Open this file in a text editor.

  5. Change the following line to include the value you copied from your QueryKey:

    <setting name="MapApiQueryKey" value="" />

Can I create a preconfigured solution if I have Microsoft Azure for DreamSpark?


Microsoft Azure for DreamSpark is now known as Microsoft Imagine for students.

Currently, you cannot create a preconfigured solution with a Microsoft Azure for DreamSpark account. However, you can create a free trial account for Azure in just a couple of minutes that enables you create a preconfigured solution.

Can I create a preconfigured solution if I have Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) subscription?

Currently, you cannot create a preconfigured solution with a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) subscription. However, you can create a free trial account for Azure in just a couple of minutes that enables you create a preconfigured solution.

How do I delete an Azure AD tenant?

See Eric Golpe's blog post Walkthrough of Deleting an Azure AD Tenant.

Next steps

You can also explore some of the other features and capabilities of the IoT Suite preconfigured solutions: