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TableErrorCodeStrings Members

Provides error code strings that are specific to the Windows Azure Table service.

The following tables list the members exposed by the TableErrorCodeStrings type.

Public Fields

  Name Description
public field static BatchOperationNotSupported Batch operations are not supported for this operation type.
public field static DuplicateKeyPropertySpecified A duplicate key property was specified.
public field static DuplicatePropertiesSpecified A property is specified more than once.
public field static EntityAlreadyExists The specified entity already exists.
public field static EntityNotFound The specified entity was not found.
public field static EntityTooLarge The entity is larger than the maximum size permitted.
public field static HostInformationNotPresent The required host information is not present in the request. You must send a non-empty Host header or include the absolute URI in the request line.
public field static InvalidValueType One or more value types are invalid.
public field static JsonFormatNotSupported JSON format is not supported.
public field static MethodNotAllowed The specified method is not allowed.
public field static NotImplemented The specified operation is not yet implemented.
public field static OperatorInvalid One or more specified operators are invalid.
public field static PartitionKeyNotSpecified The partition key was not specified.
public field static PartitionKeyPropertyCannotBeUpdated The partition key property cannot be updated.
public field static PrimaryKeyPropertyIsInvalidType The type of the primary key property is invalid.
public field static PropertiesNeedValue All properties must have values.
public field static PropertyNameInvalid The property name is invalid.
public field static PropertyNameTooLong The property name exceeds the maximum allowed length.
public field static PropertyValueTooLarge The property value is larger than the maximum size permitted.
public field static TableAlreadyExists The specified table already exists.
public field static TableBeingDeleted The specified table is being deleted.
public field static TableHasNoProperties The specified table has no properties.
public field static TableHasNoSuchProperty The specified table has no such property.
public field static TableNotFound The specified table was not found.
public field static TableServerOutOfMemory The Table service server is out of memory.
public field static TooManyProperties The entity contains more properties than allowed.
public field static UpdateConditionNotSatisfied The specified update condition was not satisfied.
public field static XMethodIncorrectCount More than one X-HTTP-Method is specified.
public field static XMethodIncorrectValue The specified X-HTTP-Method is invalid.
public field static XMethodNotUsingPost The request uses X-HTTP-Method with an HTTP verb other than POST.


See Also


TableErrorCodeStrings Class
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.Protocol Namespace