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VirtualMachineOperationsExtensions.BeginCapturingOSImage Method (IVirtualMachineOperations, String, String, String, VirtualMachineCaptureOSImageParameters)


The Begin Capturing Role operation creates a copy of the operating system virtual hard disk (VHD) that is deployed in the virtual machine, saves the VHD copy in the same storage location as the operating system VHD, and registers the copy as an image in your image gallery. From the captured image, you can create additional customized virtual machines. For more information about images and disks, see Manage Disks and Images at For more information about capturing images, see How to Capture an Image of a Virtual Machine Running Windows Server 2008 R2 at or How to Capture an Image of a Virtual Machine Running Linux at (see for more information)

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute.dll)


public static AzureOperationResponse BeginCapturingOSImage(
    this IVirtualMachineOperations operations,
    string serviceName,
    string deploymentName,
    string virtualMachineName,
    VirtualMachineCaptureOSImageParameters parameters
static AzureOperationResponse^ BeginCapturingOSImage(
    IVirtualMachineOperations^ operations,
    String^ serviceName,
    String^ deploymentName,
    String^ virtualMachineName,
    VirtualMachineCaptureOSImageParameters^ parameters
static member BeginCapturingOSImage : 
        operations:IVirtualMachineOperations *
        serviceName:string *
        deploymentName:string *
        virtualMachineName:string *
        parameters:VirtualMachineCaptureOSImageParameters -> AzureOperationResponse
Public Shared Function BeginCapturingOSImage (
    operations As IVirtualMachineOperations,
    serviceName As String,
    deploymentName As String,
    virtualMachineName As String,
    parameters As VirtualMachineCaptureOSImageParameters
) As AzureOperationResponse


  • serviceName
    Type: System.String

    Required. The name of your service.

  • deploymentName
    Type: System.String

    Required. The name of your deployment.

  • virtualMachineName
    Type: System.String

    Required. The name of the virtual machine to restart.

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.Azure.AzureOperationResponse

A standard service response including an HTTP status code and request ID.

See Also

VirtualMachineOperationsExtensions Class
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Compute Namespace

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