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ConfigBuilder Constructor (ConfigOptions, Action<ContainerBuilder>)


Note: This API is now obsolete.

Initializes a new instance of the ConfigBuilder class a given options instance providing custom settings and an Action<T> which is called when Autofac is configured allowing the application to inject additional dependencies as well as replacing existing dependencies.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.dll)


[ObsoleteAttribute("Please use the overload which takes an Action<HttpConfiguration, ContainerBuilder>")]
public ConfigBuilder(
    ConfigOptions options,
    Action<ContainerBuilder> dependencyInjectionConfig
[ObsoleteAttribute("Please use the overload which takes an Action<HttpConfiguration, ContainerBuilder>")]
    ConfigOptions^ options,
    Action<ContainerBuilder^>^ dependencyInjectionConfig
[<ObsoleteAttribute("Please use the overload which takes an Action<HttpConfiguration, ContainerBuilder>")>]
new : 
        options:ConfigOptions *
        dependencyInjectionConfig:Action<ContainerBuilder> -> ConfigBuilder
<ObsoleteAttribute("Please use the overload which takes an Action<HttpConfiguration, ContainerBuilder>")>
Public Sub New (
    options As ConfigOptions,
    dependencyInjectionConfig As Action(Of ContainerBuilder)


  • dependencyInjectionConfig
    Type: System.Action<ContainerBuilder>

    An Action<T> which is called when the Autofac dependency engine is configured.

See Also

ConfigBuilder Overload
ConfigBuilder Class
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service Namespace

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